Example sentences of "[conj] so give [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some kinds achieve a modest height by packing closely together in cushions and so giving one another support , but their soft , permeable , water-filled cells do not provide enough strength to enable individual stems to stand upright .
2 Only in one respect is a consideration of their characteristics illuminating , in emphasizing the fact that the state is not the only means by which the cohesion of a society is assured , and so giving some support to those liberal pluralist theories which treat the state as one association among others , and not always the most important .
3 It was white , and so gave optimum visibility on the screen .
4 Perhaps the terms of reference were slightly vague , but the NZRFU probably considered that their lads deserved a break , and so gave general permission for the expedition to Italy .
5 In fact , Hunter saw Chaplin as ‘ the Dickens of the films ’ and so gave another reminder of how the whole world of silent movies was moulded in the idiom of the great Victorian writer .
6 Pompeii lay in verdant , wine-growing country and so gave special prominence to Venus , goddess of fecundity , Hercules and Bacchus .
7 The main problem faced by both of the pressure sensitive systems is that the weight of a hand pressing on another part of the surface can alter the resistive characteristics and so give false readings .
8 The quality can be high , but terracottas are on the whole cheap products for the local market , and so give valuable indication of the styles prevalent in particular places .
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