Example sentences of "[conj] so it seem " in BNC.

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31 Or so it seemed .
32 Out of a clear sky , or so it seemed to them .
33 First it was something good , or so it seemed to me .
34 She was content with twigs and cells , or so it seemed .
35 Or so it seemed .
36 Or so it seemed .
37 Or so it seemed to Scott .
38 In the abbot 's parlour Tutilo had a larger audience than Cadfael had bargained for , but welcomed it , or so it seemed , perhaps as leavening further the bleak reception he could expect from Herluin .
39 Or so it seemed .
40 And Dorothy turns , red-faced from her brew , or so it seemed .
41 In the hall , he helped her on with her coat , his hand resting on her shoulder for a moment — or so it seemed .
42 Or so it seemed to him .
43 The phone rang for ten minutes , or so it seemed , before Dexter answered .
44 Blanche shrugged sympathetically , or so it seemed to the sergeant , as if to say , ‘ I understand .
45 For many years the British had tried to run him , or so it seemed to many .
46 And Timothy Gedge smiled at her , claiming her , or so it seemed .
47 Eventually the Uniformitarian cause won — or so it seemed — and Catastrophism became an old-fashioned joke .
48 It was enough , or so it seemed to Maggie .
49 Absent also was Leofwine , who had taken Thorfinn for King as Cormac had , or so it seemed , on the glorious journey to and from Rome , and who had stood trembling as Cormac had on the steps of St Peter 's , one of a brotherhood that had seemed to promise a future none of them had so far dreamed of .
50 Portia appears indeed in Act four to be just in her defence of Antonio , and no one can comment on her choice of suitor in Act three , for surely it was the suitors ' luck and character that were the key to her , or so it seemed .
51 It was as if — or so it seemed , to that excited , tired throng — it was as if no one had invaded anyone , no one had been bombed or slaughtered , no treaty obligations were being fudged .
52 The administrative arrangement and supervision required for such teamwork was exactly the sort of skill in which Lewis excelled , and the hours passed quickly with the progressive gleaning of intelligence , the gradual build up of hard fact to bolster tentative theory — and always that almost insolent gratification that shone in Morse 's eyes , for the latter appeared to have known ( or so it seemed to Lewis ) most of the details before the calls and corroboration had been made .
53 Civil war was the spectre which haunted much of sixth-century Gaul , or so it seemed to Gregory of Tours as he wrote the preface to the fifth book of his Histories .
54 The 2nd half was much of the same with Leeds having even more of the play but creating even less chances ( or so it seemed ) .
55 I replaced a Night commander who I understood had ditched , or so it seemed — his name was Sqn Ldr Leigh-Smith whom I have already spoken of .
56 Three shadow boxes Monday 's deaths column recorded the passing of Chris Hunter , who for donkeys years or so it seemed had had a sweet shop between our house and the football ground in Shildon .
57 Even when as in the Act 2 aria for Medea 's servant , Neris , he attempts a flowing canzonetta and decks it with a distinctive bassoon obligato , he lets the number go on far too long , or so it seems when as here the bassoon roars out in determined competition with the mezzo , Claire Powell .
58 Even when as in the Act 2 aria for Medea 's servant , Neris , he attempts a flowing canzonetta and decks it with a distinctive bassoon obligato , he lets the number go on far too long , or so it seems when as here the bassoon roars out in determined competition with the mezzo , Claire Powell .
59 See how , sometimes , the largest fish will hover at the tail-end of the shoal , while his tasters — or so it seems — accept almost every likely-looking morsel , only to leave some morsels alone as though there was something special about them , and fit only for the King .
60 Scientists have rather a bad press in these lists , as well as tending to drag down the market value of their places of study , or so it seems to the editors .
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