Example sentences of "[conj] there can [be] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the conflict will be negative and sterile , impeding the work of delivering services , but some of it may be constructive and positive , where there can be genuine debate about the balance between patient care priorities and securing value for tax-payers ’ money .
2 ‘ The fastest part is the fourteen miles to Ilkley , then there is a quiet stretch along the river towards Otley , before a three mile climb to the Dyneley Arms and on to Yeadon Moor , where there can be strong cross-winds .
3 And of course where there can be no possibility of shared contextual knowledge , as in the case of unpredictable personal invention and interpretation , grammar provides the guarantee of individual conceptual freedom .
4 This provision does not appear to have been formally invoked but it may prove of particular assistance in some federal systems where there can be constitutional problems in appropriating funds for these expenses .
5 It is difficult to come to a firm view on these matters , but the nature of support for third parties is clearly of particular significance and affords a crude test of the Alt view — especially in the case of new parties where there can be no established sense of partisan identification .
6 There can either be an individual winner or there can be teams .
7 The message is : We stand united together , or there can be no treaty .
8 The cases decide that this exception extends to touching a person in order to attract attention , although there can be no exception when the person touched has made it clear that he or she does not wish to be touched again .
9 I personally missed the colour of the medieval setting , although there can be no complaint about the dramatic effects of black and white being used to their utmost .
10 Although there can be no clear-cut division between the use of language in literature and in everyday life ( and it would not be fruitful to attempt to make such a division ) , we can recognise that some of the most arresting , innovative and enriching uses of language come from the poets , novelists and dramatists who practise the craft of writing .
11 Determining the parties to a treaty is usually straightforward , although there can be problems of substance and evidence .
12 This conclusion was hotly disputed by the POA , although there can be little doubt that the running of the prison system had come to depend unhealthily on overtime ( for which the prison officers were of course paid extra at higher rates ) and that at least some of this need for overtime was generated by unnecessary restrictive practices .
13 Obvious examples are unique proper nouns , such as brand names and company names , although there can be problems with :
14 For people who own gardens the simplest solution is probably a small plot , clearly marked , although there can be disadvantages to this solution .
15 ‘ That gives us the initial impression that the explosion was of an accidental nature rather than a purposeful one , although there can be no doubt that the explosives were stockpiled there for killing people , ’ the officer said .
16 ‘ That gives us the primary impression that the explosion was of an accidental nature … although there can be no doubt the explosives were stockpiled for killing people , ’ one senior policeman said .
17 This is an area of some controversy at the moment in psychology , where one of the holy grails is the attempt to provide empirical evidence for the intuitively reasonable idea that there can be a dissociation of behaviour from consciousness .
18 At this point I shall return to Hirsch , who argues that there can be no intrinsic understanding of literature , only a variety of understandings : ‘ Aesthetic categories are intrinsic to aesthetic inquiries , but not to the nature of literary work .
19 The variation between English-language speakers about what syllables , in effect what vowels , they treat as long or short , is so great that there can be no question of imposing on English verse a quantitative metre such as was used for ancient Latin ( doubtless with some strain for those who spoke classical Latin with dialectal variations as to quantity ) .
20 In Bonn it is hoped that there can be orderly change across the border , soon enough to convince more East Germans that life is worth living there .
21 It reminds us that there can be an invaluable ‘ women 's ministry ’ well this side of the ordained priesthood .
22 I am ready to acknowledge that there can be circumstances in which the taking of human life is , humanly speaking , the lesser evil .
23 I would not wish to underestimate the capabilities of my fellow countrymen for self-deception ; but it is difficult to believe that there can be further instalments of the saga which began for the people of Great Britain with the successful revolt of the American colonies .
24 The risk is that there can be a collective NO from everyone .
25 This may partly explains why the West German centre-right Conservative led government is adamant that there can be no further move to supra-national European Union that is not accompanied by a demonstrable system of Parliamentary accountability .
26 It tells electorates that there can be continual growth and no one need worry that the cost of environmental security will hit spending power or reduce standards of living .
27 Many Americans , probably including George Bush , as well as many of the Iraqi 's Arab enemies , believe that there can be no lasting peace unless Mr Hussein has been humbled .
28 And this week the IMF made public what everyone has been saying in private : that there can be little foreign help on offer until the Soviet Union reforms its ‘ rotten ’ economy .
29 Japan 's stance over what it calls its Northern Territories has been that there can be no peace treaty between the two countries until all four of the islands ( Etorofu , Kunashiri , Shikotan and Habomai ) are returned .
30 In effect , he thinks that there can be a system or body of ‘ opinion ’ ; this , after all , is what the new ‘ natural philosophy ’ is .
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