Example sentences of "[conj] say he is " in BNC.

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1 In Yorkshire when man goes into a decline during his wife 's pregnancy they giggle behind their hands and say he is " carrying " the baby , I never laugh at these remarks because I am convinced I " carried " my son .
2 Meisel is beginning to direct videos and says he is losing interest in fashion as a subject : ‘ It all seems mediocre to me , uninspiring .
3 Sam claims her father breached the trust she placed in him and says he is holding on to her cash .
4 But insiders close to Blundell confirmed the deal was agreed and says he is almost certain to return after one year out of competitive Formula One racing , during which he won the Le Mans 24-Hours classic alongside fellow Briton Derek Warwick .
5 Then Macbeth seems to have a change of heart and says he is leaving whether he becomes king or not to chance .
6 They use a lot yeah the ch I put it in my I mean , I said yesterday to him , we 've got the decorators in and then co they turned round and said he is meant to be a businessman and they said he can not believe they 've never met tha such a penny pinching guy
7 Today ex-manager Farrelly claims he is not bitter about the split but says he is annoyed about the things Sinead has said about that period .
8 The paper can not name the man for legal reasons , but says he is a father of four and lives in New Cross , south-east London .
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