Example sentences of "[conj] say [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am writing ( I think ) out of turn , to wish you a happy birthday , & say that a small parcel is on the way .
2 Over the last few years I have also complained to the Press Council on a number of occasions , about various newspapers using such terms as ‘ Gay Plague ’ , or saying that the disease was spread by whispered conversations , or for exaggerating the amount of money spent by local authorities on gay issues .
3 Do n't you think he 's , he 's asking to much or , or saying that the peasants are doing too much .
4 Intertel Communications Inc , currently legally a Canadian company , says from its Teleport Denver Inc base in Colorado that it plans to swear allegiance to the flag and become a naturalised American : it will reincorporate in the US to meet a condition set by the Federal Communications Commission , which gave plenty of ammunition to the Europeans that say that the US market is not as open as Uncle Sam likes to think , by insisting that only American companies could hold earth satellite station common carrier licences — there is no comparable restriction on US companies applying for licences in the UK .
5 There is no law of God or nature that says that a windmill must have four sails , and the independence of millwrights is best seen in Lincolnshire , where there are several surviving mills with more than four sails .
6 Where we have a different point of view is the point of view that says that a general education which will train the mind erm and expand capacity for judgement and so on , erm is perhaps more important than an exact knowledge of erm some particular political science theory .
7 This is the motion that says that the Apex conference would be able to debate issues of a general nature which are appropriate for this Congress , the decision making body of the union and for no other conference in the union .
8 I do n't think that the erm go into this properly and I do n't , I think will have dealt with it in lectures , but essentially there 's a common law principle that says if a matter is more prejudicial than evidential it should not be read .
9 As the Press Commission put it in 1977 ( p. 149 ) , ‘ Rather than saying that the press has other business interests , it would be truer to argue that the press has become a subsidiary of other interests ’ .
10 This is even stronger than saying that the dynamics of the system determine the behaviour of the units , as causes determine their effects , because ‘ functional ’ presumably implies something about the purpose of the states ' behaviour in achieving equilibrium , thus going beyond mere causal determination .
11 Some historians go no further than saying that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II ; but others have stated that Molla Fenari was appointed Mufti in the year 828/1424–5 .
12 The discussion of relative autonomy suggests that to say that a state is capitalist is to make a statement at a very high level of abstraction .
13 I can not take the matter any further at this stage , other than to say that no request has been received , as yet , for a statement to be made .
14 In the middle of the nineteenth century Faraday ( 1791–1867 ) , one of the wisest of men , could do no better than to say that the strength of solids was due to the cohesion between their fine particles and that the subject was a very interesting one .
15 This could not be explained , other than to say that the two things caused the passage to " jar " .
16 The Apex conference must come to terms with the nature of that amalgamation and that said that the Apex conference would concern itself with matters of interest to white collar workers .
17 My husband got fined in Germany erm for crossing a road on foot erm when the green man erm to enable , that said that the pedestrian crossing was clear was n't showing .
18 Further comment might be superfluous , except to say that the disposal of fission products should interest many chemist but is hardly central to a text on inorganic chemistry .
19 I 'm afraid Ivy did n't say anything interesting about Murdoch and Spark , except to say that the former is to be taken more seriously — than the latter , not than she is .
20 The portfolio will be further expanded in the future as extra Unix variants are supported ; no names yet , except to say that the company is not rushing to implement under IBM Corp 's AIX : most customers who are interested in a Unix version are looking for prime open system vendors , says UK marketing manager David Miller , adding that AIX is not usually towards the top of the list .
21 The portfolio will be further expanded in the future as extra Unix variants are supported ; no names yet , except to say that the company is not rushing to implement under IBM Corp 's AIX : most customers who are interested in a Unix version are looking for prime open system vendors , says UK marketing manager David Miller , adding that AIX is not usually towards the top of the list .
22 I shall not comment further , except to say that the consequences of such a step would need to be very carefully weighed .
23 I think also if you read it through there 's no insurance jargon in there at all , except to say that the policy 's underwritten by a Department of Trade approved insurer .
24 In conducting this exercise the Commissioner has explained that he has adopted the wide test of subversion formulated by Lord Harris in 1975 and that his duty ‘ is to look at each case individually and say whether the Home Secretary could reasonably take the view that the warrant was necessary in the interests of national security ’ ( Lloyd , 1987 ) .
25 First , an objector might try to press the fashionable distaste for the first-person perspective and say that the fact that I can not apply the theory to myself shows nothing except that one should not approach the philosophy of mind via the first person .
26 The behaviourist 's second line of defence is to distinguish between knowing and what is known , and say that the behavioural reduction applies only to the former .
27 In a recent study Lea and Young recognize this point , and say that the best indicator of police performance in crime investigation is the number of crimes cleared per officer ( Lea et al . ,
28 A I would make an educated guess and say that the ‘ fungus ’ growing on the bogwood is the result of decaying food .
29 I have to be honest and say that the last few years have not been as good as I would have expected .
30 We will assign any node j for which or is basic to the first generation and say that the parent of j is 1 , writing P(j) = 1 .
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