Example sentences of "[conj] will be of " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , sorting out the courses which are on offer can best be done by writing for the prospectus but with any application the question that will be of overriding importance is how you are going to finance your training .
2 The book is a storehouse of information that will be of lasting value to anyone involved in the design of filters , A-to-D conversion , convolution , Fourier and many other applications , with not a soldering iron in sight .
3 Accountancy Books has recently published two brand new books that will be of particular help to students .
4 THE KEIGHLEY & Worth Valley Railway announces three alterations to its programme of special events that will be of interest to all steam railway enthusiasts .
5 Each title contains glossaries as well as exercises that will be of relevance both to students reading alone and those who are working in class with a teacher .
6 One of the most useful skills you can learn , and one that will be of benefit throughout your life , is how to study .
7 It is also a book that will be of interest to a wide group of readers .
8 Whether you are a novice or advanced computer user you will find programs and information that will be of use day after day , and at affordable prices .
9 Whether you are a novice or advanced computer user you will find programs and information that will be of use day after day , and at affordable prices .
10 One development that will be of interest to all those offering SCOTVEC qualifications is the phasing in of a standardised unit specification for National Certificate Modules , Higher National Units , and Workplace Assessed Units .
11 With extra bedroom accessories becoming accepted as standard throughout the hotel industry , it 's the personal touch and a thoughtful approach towards guests that will be of the highest value .
12 When sending news items to the local press keep them short and to the point , include anything that will be of interest to a number of people , ( newspapers are in the business of selling newspapers ! ) or focus on an unusual angle .
13 At this stage I take the view it is very unlikely that there 's anything in this expert evidence that will be of the slightest assistance to me and I 'm not going rule it out .
14 The second number of the 1993 volume , which has now gone to print , contains an extra selection of book reviews , and as well as the usual listing it has several other items that will be of interest to anyone who wants to keep up to date with what is being published .
15 This has been a focus of his first year and will be of his second .
16 This special responsibility for verifying compliance with Community minimum requirements is known as ‘ home country control ’ and will be of increasing practical importance for UK businesses which venture abroad while remaining subject to such home country control .
17 This month 's feature suggests ways of designing your own artwork , and will be of interest to those who do not have the benefit of a computer-aided p.c.b .
18 They know Britain well , and will be of great help to you .
19 It also remains to be seen whether better preretirement and health education programmes will play a part in helping people prepare constructively for old age and to make a realistic appraisal of the matters which are and will be of greater importance to them than sea air .
20 The results will be used to develop transport policies for the future and will be of use to other national parks suffering from similar traffic problems .
21 This is fundamental , and will be of importance later , in connection with Quantum Theory , but does not take us very far forward .
22 Available techniques for measuring bone mass are nevertheless extremely sophisticated and will be of continuing value in the diagnosis and management of bone disease and for research .
23 A book is also published to coincide with the Channel 4 TV series and will be of great value to those who like reading and painting .
24 As in previous years , the Exhibition will take place adjacent to the conference and will be of interest to all those engaged in credit and associated areas .
25 Day two will focus on the commercial implications of HCI and Usability and will be of particular interest to delegates from industry .
26 Biotechnology in Public reviews the research , principally from a conference organised by the Federation task group , and will be of interest to scientists , industrialists , policy makers and other working in the field .
27 This latest maintenance release fixes some minor bugs and will be of special interest mainly to users network users .
28 He says the whole initiative is worthwhile and will be of great benefit but the loss of the Dickensian character of the area would be detrimental .
29 That should help major high street groups like the banks and big retailers and will be of particular benefit to those operating in the south-east of England , which was hardest hit by the 1990 revaluation of properties and the recession .
30 If you are starting completely from scratch , however , and have the cash available , I recommend that you purchase a basic helicopter radio which can still be used with a fixed pitch machine if required , but will be of great help if a variable ( collective ) pitch machine is purchased .
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