Example sentences of "[conj] will make [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I shall then use a little bit of language that 'll make their hair curl up and dye .
2 I hope you 've heard something that 'll make you think , and think positively and perhaps act positively .
3 Nikos , the owner , has developed an informal and relaxed style of service over the last eleven years that 'll make you feel quite at home .
4 At the end of the day , you want something sunny and cheerful , something that 'll make you smile when you walk in the room . ’
5 Second , if one does know in advance that the celebratory flowers are to be pressed , there are various details that can be given to the florist in question that will make one 's task much easier .
6 The models he works with may be shot by all the big name photographers , but it is the pictures that they do with Steven Meisel that will make them the icons of our times .
7 On the other hand these concepts must be introduced in a manner that will make them intelligible .
8 The only thing that will make them change their attitudes will be knowing someone with AIDS and watching them decline .
9 But the irony of the current position is that the Conservatives have all the same problems — but with a policy mix that will make them worse !
10 Instead they seek positive promotion , new reasons to drink nablabs that will make them feel good ’ .
11 We check out a sound card that will make them eat their words — the Laserwave Plus .
12 Our purpose should be to provide visitors with experiences which will enhance their knowledge , enjoyment and appreciation of the work carried out here in ways that will make them wish to support us , but not overwhelm us .
13 It is the only thing that will stir out sleeping brethren , the only thing that will make them fight and not cooperate .
14 This poses the danger of weeds crossbreeding with genetically engineered crops , which will allow them to inherit traits that will make them better able to survive drought , frost or pests .
15 Now these are n't , oh right , the strange black things that some of you are holding in your hands are called riders , and these are end leaves for the storage binder , and the idea is that they will have protective pages that are in the storage binder that will make them easier to turn .
16 Anger and impulse do n't seem to be a part of his make-up : when he parodies the swaggering Hotspur , we can already see the fastidious distaste for self-dramatisation that will make him disown Falstaff , just as , when he imitates his father , we can see the strength this quiet man derives from the stately deliberation of majesty .
17 There , in the company computer , he imagines he will find tons of choice titbits such as upcoming record store appearances or release dates for new singles — information that will make him a real idol otaku king when he transmits it over the networks to other idol-loving otaku .
18 ‘ I want someone to create a style that will make me look fabulous , and which does n't need any care at all .
19 Mel Brooks ' glorious bad-taste comedy starring Zero Mostel as a crooked Broadway producer who co-opts a timid accountant ( Gene Wilder ) to help mount a mega flop that will make their fortune .
20 ‘ We know the operation is the only thing that will make her quality of life better .
21 Unless … unless they face the truth — the truth ‘ that will make ye free ’ , according to the Bible — which in this case is that the love and/or respect that was earned by the deceased during their lifetime is there for ever in the minds and hearts of those who knew them .
22 I have a new brick wall , how can I promote the growth of moss and algae that will make it look less new ?
23 But in the search for such pacts or agreements , the opposition parties will necessarily be drawn closer together , and the campaign for tactical voting will gather force and develop a presence that will make it better placed to make a major impact in the next election .
24 Engels says that Cognos is now in the early stages of negotiation with ICL and Bull and the company is engineering a Unix System V.4-compliant product that will make it economically more reasonable to appear on a wider variety of Unix environments .
25 If you think about it , er , there are numbers that will , that will make it work .
26 A producer need not own any resources in order to engage in production ; he merely has to know where to buy resources at a price that will make it worthwhile to produce and sell the product at its attainable price .
27 There is nothing that will make you a better surfer . ’
28 Learn to recognize the signs and anticipate situations that will make you tense , anxious or uptight .
29 It may even be that despite taking care with matching yourself to the job before making an initial application you may find out further information that will make you less enthusiastic about the job .
30 The specific nature of your training and development will vary according to the department you join , but wherever you go , you are guaranteed to meet the kind of intellectual and practical challenges that will make you a manager not only of your own destiny , but of the nation .
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