Example sentences of "[conj] that can be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I need to be alone for a while , and there 's nowhere here on Belial or Moloch where that can be true for any length of time .
2 The planning implications of this policy became clear in Minerals Planning Guidance Note 3 ( 1988 ) : ‘ Opencast coal can often be produced cheaply and profitably … ( it ) is also an integral part of British Coal 's overall production and makes a vital contribution to their finances … it is in the national interest to maximise production where that can be done in an environmentally acceptable way ’ .
3 The citizens charter sets out a comprehensive programme to improve the quality of public services and make them answer better to the wishes of their users , where that can be done , by providing choice for the citizen .
4 Where that can be comfortably done without infringing the other objectives then I am perfectly prepared to see how flexible we can make the franchise . ’
5 After all , in the whole of the private sector there is a need for innovation ; there is a need sometimes for diversification , although that can be a dangerous area ; there is a need for a sensitive but effective response to the changing market place .
6 I do not think that that can be right .
7 The far world not the The unspiritual world that that we can You see the pride in the eye , that with that that that that can be can be another women or it can it can be cosmetics , it can be a dress to women or it could be another man .
8 When does she anticipate that that can be resolved ?
9 Characteristically he uses the imagery of song to point to the highest kind of contemplative experience of God : The Form unfolds a process of definition which comes full circle back to its beginning so that that can be understood in a new way : the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time .
10 that is , that is what , that is what exists to do , or one of the things that exists to do as the U K sales company our business is to give the projections for a particular piece of business , and if we see any other similar bits of business around it that 's fine , that 's , that needs to be added to it , but to give our vision of that particular piece of business , feed that into the marketing people in , and say , look , this is the situation if we go this way , this is what we think is going to happen , if we do this , this is going to happen , if we do n't do this , this is what 's going to happen , so that that can be fed into an overall picture , and they will come back , I presume , and say , right , we now have enough information to know that it 's going to be worth =vesting , investing in production of sixteen double O fours in er Peter .
11 that that can be seen from er the bungalow almost directly opposite , and er it 's almost a traditional requirement that they ask for steep pitches .
12 I jus I ca n't believe that that can be true !
13 Furniture requires finishes that can be made perfectly smooth to the touch and that can be brought to a mirror-like gloss , if required .
14 ‘ Elaine ca n't talk and that can be very disconcerting for the nurses , ’ says Sylvia .
15 But then you realise it 's 30 or 40 miles to the nearest general hospital and that can be difficult particularly as you get older , ’ says Dr Tony Hill , consultant in public health medicine .
16 Only take registered cabs home , i.e. ones that display licences in the cab and that can be telephoned to book your ride .
17 Systems which reward nurses individually can actually increase competition in what is essentially a cooperative work environment and that can be damaging to efficiency .
18 All it covers is the basic treatment in line with the minimum requirement in the country where you are staying — and that can be very different from what you would expect from the NHS .
19 This for Lévi-Strauss is tied up with the business of ‘ science ’ , which aims to discover truths that are universal and that can be seen to be a product of their method .
20 ‘ Then there is the scrutiny of the fans , and that can be the most damaging .
21 When we 've decided on the names , we then have to find the best person to approach for each potential guest , and that can be like a detective job .
22 On the other hand , when you go abroad to a country where you 're completely unrecognized , you 're reminded what it 's like to be a member of the public , and that can be very sobering — life without the smiles and knowing looks .
23 What is more , there is a great deal of empirical evidence ( amassed over many years ) suggesting that human perception is the result of a non-introspectible process of construction , a process that takes a measurable amount of time and that can be interfered with in specific ways .
24 It 's very thick on the outside but almost , you can almost see through some of the bone in the base there and that can be caused by as , a blow on the head if it 's the bolt of the erm brain that 's caused , got the injury , or from the base of skull is usually caused by er landing on your feet from heights , and
25 Most hole-dwellers have to excavate their homes for themselves and that can be hard work .
26 But it is of great interest , because it demonstrates a familiar mode of argumentation that has been more widely used in historical descriptions and that can be found in many places , and I shall comment on a similar case in ME below .
27 Yeah cos there 's , on your own all the time and you feel you 've got no time for yourself and that can be fairly bad at times .
28 ‘ Anyone caught damaging lights also has to make good the damage , and that can be very expensive .
29 Now , obviously this is three four four five , and that 's allo that 's available to each person , so if it 's a married couple , they 'll each get that amount , then there 's a married couple 's allowance , which is worth seventeen twenty , and that can be moved either to the male or the female or split er under the regulations as they stand .
30 Er and that can be a problem with some folk when you try to manipulate the hormones like that .
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