Example sentences of "[conj] that be always " in BNC.

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1 It , I mean , it disappoints me that we are the country in Europe that that 's always dragged , kicking and screaming to the table , to discuss things like this , which are the benefit of the majority of the people in the in the European Community .
2 I do not recall that that was always his keenest and most enthusiastic point .
3 A spokeswoman for the competition said : ‘ We never pay appearance money and that is always made clear in the contracts .
4 Love has to move from idea to reality , and that is always God 's way — the way of incarnation .
5 ‘ Each parent has an individual relationship with their child , and that is always worth improving , ’ they say .
6 I do n't think I 'll bother to answer the remarks that others need to say of course tremendous resources have gone into the health service over the past few years , but I think whatever government is in power , it will never be enough for all the new developments in the health service , and that is always the trouble , whoever would be there would find it difficult .
7 Their laboratory is tiny and that 's always the mark of a good brewery . ’
8 But I was , and that 's always going to be the brute difference between us , is n't it ?
9 ‘ Create something new in finance , ’ said Garvin , ‘ a new code , a new sub-heading , and that 's always the thing that gets picked out .
10 That 's the only time you met your Chiefs and that was always a snarling matter .
11 It was settled by charge card , and that was always debited from his bank in Jordan .
12 We 've seen flashes of the old Liverpool but all too often they 've fallen below acceptable standards and that 's the problem — their consistency has gone and that was always their hallmark .
13 And that was always about the fourteenth of April .
14 And that was always inherent in our minds you know , as shop stewards .
15 Some kept fowl and/or a " Christmas pig " and that was always something to look forward to ( though not for the pig ) .
16 It was Monday night , he said , and that was always bad .
17 I already knew it was n't a good idea ; I could hear the tone of my voice rising higher and higher as I spoke the sentence , and that was always a sign I was getting into some sort of verbal mess .
18 Drama must , perforce , have an ultimate target and destination and that was always the Clarion call to the earlier distinguished folk who trod these boards .
19 And that was always in the very cold weather
20 good , cos that 's always the
21 There are one or two we could do without , but that 's always the case !
22 But that 's always the way it is in
23 I said , no , actually but that 's always a lie !
24 It will say that the return will always be so many points above the society 's basic share rate but that is always low .
25 The proposals for small businesses are quite radical , but that is always a longer game .
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