Example sentences of "[conj] which [adv] has " in BNC.

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1 Then put the whole root-ball into a container which will take it without cramping , and which already has compost in the base , then fill in with compost at the sides .
2 A mortgage valuation may be considered sufficient for a lending institution able to spread the risk across many loans , and which also has the benefit of the security of each borrower 's income as well as the property .
3 There remains one import which we may consider which is found concentrated in two distinct regions , and which also has exotic origins .
4 Arising from the evidence in the literature and from our empirical studies at Chelsea College it is now possible to offer a model which is compatible with all the evidence and which also has considerable predictive potential .
5 Much play is given in the to the rather romantic story of Hocazade 's extreme poverty in his youth , a story which lays the basis for a rags-to-riches saga ( in respect both of material wealth and of intellectual achievement ) and which also has overtones of the story of Joseph .
6 The company , which makes polythene bags and which also has a recycling programme , believes a plan by Germany will not help the rest of the EC or the environment at large .
7 However , seven countries still refuse to vote for a total prohibition , including Japan , which is the leading protester and which today has the largest whaling fleet .
8 As an illness that starts in adolescence and which often has a chronic course requiring repeated admissions , anorexia nervosa imposes a substantial financial burden on the community .
9 On the contrary , it is time to treat religion as something strange and outside the ordinary run of life , something which , mysteriously , has had a vast effect on people , over which wars were fought and people were burned and persecuted , and which still has an effect on people ; something which can not be reduced to mere kindness at the old people 's parties or village jumble sales , but which has inspired some of the most splendid painting , writing , music , and architecture ever to be produced by the human imagination , and is still capable of producing martyrdom , cruelty , and sectarian passion .
10 I suggest buying a new cone of yarn , unless you happen to have one in the cupboard that is untouched and which still has the price paid for it .
11 Jenkins intends to survey all health authorities and SSDs to discover which has a policy on elder abuse and which actually has a nominated person to deal with complaints .
12 This ‘ pervasive desire , which has not been consistently felt ( and which certainly has not been enough to guarantee that every professional a cappella ensemble is equally admired by every scholar-critic in England ) can be interpreted in various ways .
13 Instead what we have before us is a German triumph that could not have happened without Gorbachev and Walesa , a triumph that was not planned and which is in many ways an accident , but which nevertheless has come about because both West and East Germans have seized the moment of national opportunity .
14 All report a passionate directness of response that they attribute to the setting and the pathology of the patients , but which probably has as much to do with social class .
15 Claiming that he is not ‘ presenting any idyllic picture of the rural parish ’ , Eliot takes as his ‘ norm , the ideal of a small and mostly self-contained group attached to the soil … with a kind of unity which may be designed , but which also has to grow through generations ’ .
16 So far , we have discussed evidence which is particularly relevant to the first of these issues , but which also has implications for the second .
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