Example sentences of "[conj] that [vb mod] do " in BNC.

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1 The driver sounds so genuinely distressed , it seems churlish to complain ( not that that would do much good ) .
2 I 'm even more disappointed in the conservatives , for not opposing it , I do n't object to their list of members being published , I do n't see that that would do any harm , as far as I 'm concerned , every employee could have their wages printed up on the wall .
3 Money and effort that should have been devoted to supporting the ordinary people in Highfields has been wasted on power politics and I agree that it 's time surely to put an end to that disgrace now there is a certain logic in Mr amendment , it basically says let us put the implementation of council policy in the hands of the director of education , let him take executive control and let us take politics out of it and if I thought that that would do what both Mr and myself want to happen I would support .
4 Yeah I like snowball , I do n't mind that that 'll do for my Christmas drink Is that half or a ?
5 You do n't have to spend a lot of money to look just nice looking I mean d' you know , er just you know nice appearing , clean appearing or something like that that will do and beauty most of it its come from inside .
6 And that might do that , I 'll drop Mr a wee note , tell him that you 've been in ,
7 and that 'll do you the world of good .
8 But once I think we were , we were going in a mad rush er , each saw his responsibilities for that word , and that 'll do , and then we 'd say yes , and stuck it here .
9 I 'll have to use I 've got Surf and I 've got bleach and that 'll do them .
10 ninety nine and that 'll do it
11 Now I said to Ken that 'll be your christmas present to me in nineteen years and that 'll do me a treat cos that 's really worth it .
12 Alright let's just get a packet of biscuits for the dogs and that 'll do .
13 And that will do till Have you got a triangle ?
14 on the settee , and that will do
15 He said and that can do it .
16 Slosh on a bit of this , and that should do it .
17 Er control copy all eight files as they are to the and that should do it ! say on there .
18 And that , that would do double job cos that would do the job of your blinds as well would n't it ?
19 I was waiting with both hands over my ears , as if that would do something . ’
20 I mean we Mitterand and take him down to the I suppose , see if that 'll do any good but erm
21 Which is unfortunate the way we 've got it numbered but that 'll do .
22 But that should do the trick Mary
23 It could be more , but that will do .
24 I want — but that will do .
25 Now you can define modern in lots of ways but that will do for our purpose .
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