Example sentences of "[conj] we may [be] " in BNC.

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1 They exist in written messages too , where we may be influenced by handwriting or typography , and by whether the message is in an expensive book or on a scrap of paper .
2 Or we may be determined to catch a horse that does n't want to be caught ; and if we feel it strongly enough , the horse seems to feel our determination too , and suddenly stops running away from us and agrees to being haltered .
3 Now we may be baddies and decide to erect a battery-house for laying hens , or we may be goodies and decide to create a wilderness park for wildlife .
4 Guilt is culpable responsibility — we are guilty of some specific offence , or we may be seen by others or see them as so ; in this sense we carry the more or less factual responsibility for damage or potential damage to some other person(s) or society as a whole .
5 In making a comparison we may be looking for points of similarity in order to aid our recognition ( and consequent action ) or we may be looking for points of difference .
6 We may feel we are expected to ‘ pull ourselves together ’ too quickly — or we may be unable to react to the death at all , even by crying .
7 But although we may be confident that a gradient exists , and influences subsequent development , we usually have no idea what it is a gradient of , and rather little idea of how genes are actually switched on and off .
8 Inner/outer Face : This is the way we think others see us — although we may be wrong .
9 Most of the time , though , we are unlucky : the supernova remnant is invisible to us , although we may be fortunate enough to observe the expanding cloud of gases and other matter receding from the pulsar .
10 We have a rough idea ( although we may be mistaken ) of the rate at which new stars form ; we suspect that many , if not most , of them have planets — and so on until we come to the question about how long our ‘ ideal ’ technological civilization might expect to endure , to which any answer must be the most unfounded of guesses .
11 Although we may be qualified to do so in certain areas , mainly commercial , we could not really be considered a top-class rugby-playing country strength-wise and have therefore decided not to bid .
12 Erm although we may be collecting more than that , and we may be collecting less than that .
13 The famous inscription from Brough-on-Humber ( vicus Petuariensis ) , attesting the presence of a theatre , shows that some vici possessed magistrates with the title of aedile , although we may be dealing here with a site which was also a civitas capital .
14 So to give you an idea of our size although we may be a little bit smaller than last year we turned over some eighteen million pounds and declared a profit before tax of just over three point one million pounds .
15 To suggest , sotto voce , that we may be in danger of inflating the man ( woman , rarely ) way out of proportion to the job itself ?
16 It is accepting the lifestyle of Christ so that we may be usable for God 's glory .
17 Unfazed by the fact that we may be off making a cuppa when his big moment hits the screens , Des has set his sights on playing James Bond in Goldblender , perhaps ?
18 And here I must agree that I am beginning to fear that we may be on the edge of an age of the worst kind of mass production .
19 One example , suggesting that we may be able mentally to rotate objects , was mentioned at the end of the last chapter , and a second , in this one , demonstrated that we do in fact recognize sets of similar markings ( note that a psychological demonstration that we can do something , and an account of a calculation which would enable us to do so , are quite different things ) .
20 The Unionist fear is that we may be on the last verse of another .
21 We often pray in Assembly that we may be gentle and kind with other people .
22 Let us pray today that we may be gentle with ourselves , guarding ourselves from relationships that might exploit us or be hurtful .
23 But it may well be a happy life , and that we may be taking away .
24 Indeed , the possibility that he may actually have known Rodrigo can not be ruled out , and offers a tantalizing possibility that we may be reading a first-hand account .
25 If this sounds a strange gospel coming from a theologian , let me say immediately that there is so much in the Bible about the awfulness , the cruelty and the unfaithfulness of human kind that we may be sometimes justified in wondering why God continues to love us at all .
26 Absorption or wet scrubbing as it is often called has however the disadvantage of having to dispose of the liquid effluent obtained , which may itself require treatment before disposal , and has led to the comment that we may be merely replacing one effluent problem by another by using this method .
27 Therefore we pray that a new spirit may be born in our midst this morning and that we may be carried on its tide to the work of national reconstruction .
28 So that we may be together ,
29 What 's really worrying me is that we may be dealing with amateurs . ’
30 They hold that we may , with justification , be certain of beliefs which , we admit , risk falsification , or that we may be justified in holding beliefs although there are none of which we are certain .
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