Example sentences of "[conj] we [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently the Chinese are used to living with little heating indoors & we now understand why they wrap themselves up so well , with padded trousers and jackets , as well as caps or enormous fur hats , which they keep on even indoors during the classes .
2 This is the case shown in Fig. 7–3 , where we also assume ( and ) .
3 Also at : ‘ THE POTTERY ’ , High Street , St. David 's — where we also sell antique maps and prints .
4 In November we were at the annual bazaar at the English ( episcopal ) church , where we also made many contacts .
5 ‘ In the United States , where we also produced an improved result , there are now some encouraging signs of recovery as rate increases in both Commercial and Personal lines begin to take effect .
6 Thence one recognised route led on to Ludlow , and so due east through Bewdley and Bromsgrove , through the country south of Birmingham , to the point near Kenilworth where where we previously picked it up on the map .
7 This may also be said of the fibre intake in man where we generally eat a low fibre diet but evolved eating a high fibre diet .
8 We shall adopt a small arrow as our notation for assignment in this sense , so that ( 31 ) ( excluding irrelevant details like number , and the particular tense employed ) may be represented as ( 35 ) , where we again abbreviate by passing directly from the word forms to the intensional pattern : We may note , by the way , that the copular verb to be is the direct formal representation of the relation of assignment ; this has to be expressed overtly in English ( as well as being indicated by the order of noun and adjective ) , although in many other languages , e.g. Russian and Arabic , no overt exponent is required .
9 Given an aggregate production function of the form we can substitute the relevant rows of equation ( 5.37 ) into equation ( 5.36 ) , and substitute the resulting expressions into the production function to give : where we again have assumed for simplicity that αβ = 1 .
10 We must search even where we least expect to find riches ; just as there are hidden joys in one 's own pain and suffering , there are subtle delights in the compassion and pity aroused by other men 's Gethsemanes — their gardens of sorrows .
11 In our Christian life , we can encounter the most difficult problems or ‘ hidden rocks ’ where we least expect them .
12 Software development , especially in areas such as taxonomic and other scientific computing , has been a major area of weakness , where we definitely lacked in-house expertise prior to the appointment of a Taxonomic Computing specialist .
13 It is not always so obvious in relationships , where we often expect the bright flames of love to burn out of their own purity and spontaneity , but they too need refuelling in what may be quite prosaic ways .
14 Where we often have great difficulty with Community proposals is when co-operation is replaced not by agreement but by majority voting on issues of concern to us .
15 ( where we now assume ) .
16 I do wonder if some of these are in fact the wild plum rather than Myrobalan , and I marvel that in summer we hardly notice any plum-like shrubs where we now see them so dominant over long stretches of banks .
17 Does the Minister consider it fair that , if a child is born in East Anglia , it has a far better chance of survival than if it is born in Yorkshire or in my region , where we recently lost five intensive care cots ?
18 Then they escorted us to our rooms , where we gratefully made up for lost sleep .
19 Britain acquired large parts of North America ( until the independence of the USA in 1776 ) , the West Indies , the West African coast , and the Indian sub-continent and this was partly a cause , partly a reinforcement of industrial growth : ‘ We were , or we increasingly became , the agency of economic interchange between the advanced and the backward , the industrial and the primary-producing , the metropolitan and the colonial or quasi-colonial regions of the world ’ ( Hobsbawm , 1969 , 14 ) .
20 We just wreck buildings or We just start fires or We just scar highways or We just spread trash .
21 Or we just get credited , you 're charging
22 We just wreck buildings or We just start fires or We just scar highways or We just spread trash .
23 We just wreck buildings or We just start fires or We just scar highways or We just spread trash .
24 But if we see an office that 's being committed by y somebody breaking into an empty flat , or we actually see somebody breaking into a occupied flat , then as a as a citizen , you can enforce a citizen 's arrest .
25 SKF ( U.K. ) Limited Relocation expense repayment ‘ This payment is made upon condition that if within two years of the date upon which it is made , you give notice to terminate your employment with this company , or we summarily terminate it because of misconduct , you will make repayment to us as follows : — a ) If such notice is given or the employment is so terminated within nine months , the repayment will be the full amount .
26 Either we make some sacrifices … or we gradually choke in our own dirt . ’
27 Lee is currently casting his magic spell over Ampeg 's tube guitar amp range , although we also suspected some Jackson-type involvement in Crate 's GT-50 Stealth combo when we recently reviewed it .
28 We broadly support the notion that everyone should enjoy the right of access to the countryside , although we also believe that with rights come responsibilities .
29 We may lend you any amount from £500 to £10,000 ( in units of £10 ) and , in certain circumstances , may advance 100% of the cost , although we normally expect you to make some contribution from your savings .
30 Yogic meditative techniques allow this state to occur with the accompanying realisation that all things in reality are one , sharing a subtle flavour , although we normally experience them as being independent of each other .
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