Example sentences of "[conj] this [is] still " in BNC.

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1 The number of women postgraduate students has also substantially increased , from 21 per cent in 1965–6 to 32 per cent in 1983–4 , although this is still significantly below the proportion of women undergraduates , and is far from an equitable distribution between the sexes .
2 Although this is still far too many it represents a substantial improvement .
3 It is more the fact that this is still a vast military entrepot , an extension of America 's armed might projected down towards South America .
4 While I accept that this is still an open question in the minds of many local farmers , I thought the article should have been more explicit about the scientific consensus on this point .
5 But I should stress that this is still very much a personal interpretation by somebody only marginally involved in the market .
6 The Centre 's experience is that this is still the case , and the importance of some sudden reversal in family fortunes as a cause of debt was underlined by our own interviews ( Appendix 11 , section 5 ) .
7 Some say that this is still a ‘ jobless ’ recovery ; or at least , as Dick Gephardt , the leader of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives , argued on May 11th , a recovery with no good jobs .
8 That this is still a source of embarrassment can be seen from the New English Bible , where Simon is introduced , with euphemistic caution , as ‘ Simon the Patriot ’ .
9 I dig violent music [ The Doors ’ ‘ Light My Fire ’ is howling in the background ] but you got ta remember that this is still the East .
10 Erm , just want to check out that this is still roughly right .
11 I would like them to know also that this is still first and foremost a people company , and that it will stay that way .
12 It was recognised , however , that such a solution was nigh on impossible for any but the simplest systems — and this is still true today , despite massive increases in computing power .
13 The United States manages by and large to unite its culturally and ethnically diverse population with the American dream , and this is still a very strong factor , but this is under increasing strain as the Hispanics grow in numbers and as the ethnic minorities grow in influence .
14 When first introduced , it was customary to give daily injections for periods of ten to twenty days , and this is still the practice in many clinics both in this country and elsewhere in the world .
15 They asked , appropriately enough , for a visitors ' book and this is still in use in the vestibule of the church .
16 However , this has not prevented other European countries from establishing legislation which demanded component change to achieve desired results , and this is still a trend .
17 A rent of £50 was paid yearly , and this is still the same today .
18 The main attraction of B&B is that it has always been far cheaper than hotels and this is still the case .
19 Twenty years ago it had one only : the Lochcarron artery , and this is still the main supply route , now transformed into a fast highway .
20 At its peak it was perhaps 6000000 times as luminous as the Sun , and this is still true today , though its light is dimmed by intervening nebulosity ; in infra-red it is one of the strongest sources in the sky .
21 I think its a bit of a simplification to say that its , its nature 's way of keeping us going , because actually er ro , the idea that romantic love is the start of a life long relationship that produces off spring is really quite recent , erm for , for most of history er marriage 's were on the basis of continuing er lines , continuing property and people had to erm some how or other cope with living with ano another person that might not necessarily have been the person that they would of chosen from love and , and this is still true in many societies and situations now .
22 The third type or landscape is the predominantly Bass farm with animals on permanent pasture , and this is still common in a belt running north-south from Lancashire to Dorset and into the south-west .
23 In the past , this derived from the massive government R&D programmes which addressed the demanding requirements of nuclear power , and this is still an important part of AEA 's inheritance .
24 And this is still the case with older folk .
25 But you owe two months ’ rent now and I 'm afraid I must ask you to find other accommodation in a week 's time if this is still outstanding . ’
26 If this is still the case next May he apparently wins a Swiss watch from The Sun in honour of the acheivement !
27 But this is still Mr Milos Jakes 's Czechoslovakia .
28 Its public debt has fallen to 111% of GDP from a peak of 131% in 1987 , but this is still the second highest ( behind Belgium ) of any industrial economy .
29 But this is still a rare instance , Likewise , at the in-service level , very few authorities can match the well-conceived programme of courses for teachers produced over a number of years by Geoffrey Hodson and Maureen Price of I.L.E.A. But until we can sort out our muddled thinking that surrounds the subject , there is a danger that the next ‘ official ’ report will not fare any better .
30 But this is still a reading of great insight which I shall often return to , for it offers much food for thought .
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