Example sentences of "[conj] she have put " in BNC.

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1 The gun lay on the covers , where she had put it down while they were talking .
2 Paula Yates , for instance , admits in an interview in Woman magazine that she is so thin that she had to put on weight before she could become pregnant .
3 It left her so weak that she had to put a hand out to the table before she could sit down .
4 Here was the most loved owner in British racing , the most adored individual in British society , about to win the country 's greatest steeplechase — a fitting reward for all that she had put into the sport .
5 The first thing we talked about was how wearing the camisole top had made her feel self-conscious , and how glad she was that she had put a shirt over it .
6 It was for Pat that she had put on that dress , those smart shoes .
7 He wanted badly to creep into her arms and be told he had done marvellously well , that she had put on her red dress and her new pumps specially for him , for his seduction .
8 She was thirty-nine now , and it was only in the past two years that she had put on weight .
9 She was still wearing the ugly straw that she had put on for morning church .
10 She told Julia that she had put the blame for her child on to one of the Germans who had arrested her .
11 She had put them on without thinking , because they were what she had always worn for travelling outside London , but she began to wonder what David 's mother would think of them and to wish that she had put on her good black coat and skirt instead with one of her London hats .
12 Queen Victoria , whom she made perpetual coarse jokes about in a way that struck people as uncalled for , had put her off marriage in the same way that she had put her off Scotland .
13 For a while there was no conversation and Lydia began to regret that she had put Finn in a bad mood , since usually he was prepared to entertain when she was not .
14 Although as she changed from bus to bus she was free at last of the accusing voices , she had time for a number of second thoughts , wishing in particular that she had put on other clothes , and had had her hair cut .
15 By now it must have been obvious to her host that she had put him down as a direct descendant of Casanova , Don Juan or Jack the Ripper — or possibly a combination of all three .
16 It was the second time in their acquaintanceship that she had put her hand on his thigh .
17 But McLean said that she had put mud on Mrs McMullen 's face to try and stop the bleeding , something she had seen done in films .
18 When he turned to her again he saw that she had put the cat down and was holding the piece of urn .
19 Mary is very sorry that she has to put off coming to dinner tonight They are not sure about getting a baby-sitter .
20 So she 's quite pleased that she 's put them on to it , it is difficult .
21 She told herself that it must be kept carefully , to be left out for Mrs Kettering when their stay was over , so she had put it in a compartment of her handbag .
22 Even so , Robbie breathed more easily once she had put the length of the narrow boat between them .
23 Once she had put the phone down , however , Fabia took a moment or two out to compose herself .
24 It was n't until she had put on the kettle for their morning coffee that she spoke .
25 He waited until she had put down her cup and saucer .
26 Claudia wished she could stop shaking ; the touch of his hard body against hers had started up a whirlpool of emotion that left her wanting to run until she had put miles between them .
27 He broke off and removed his arms from around her waist , and she had to put out one hand to regain her balance .
28 Started to make some biscuits and then read the recipe afterwards and she had to put it in the fridge for twenty four hours in the , the pastry in the fridge so they could n't make the biscuits , there I 'm sitting here expecting erm , a biscuit and nothing came , dear , it was n't one of those recipes that you could make it straight away was it ?
29 There was one girl there today , she was about fifteen or seventeen and she had to put her coat on over the top of the gown because it was
30 Rose had noticed this and she had put it down to the awe and respect in which the man she so loved was held , and she was loath to see differently now .
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