Example sentences of "[conj] she [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Although she started out a creature of Parisian tastes in the sixties , by the seventies she had turned towards Iranian fabrics and designs ; where she went her court and may others followed .
2 She nodded and strode briskly to the sideboard , where she busied herself pouring coffee .
3 Then ran and slipped and ran again , past the church , between the dignified houses on the new Bristol Bridge , dodging the tollkeepers who marvelled at her speed , and over to the Welsh Back where horse-drawn sleds wove between towers of kegs , hanks of rope , sprawling sacks and the beached masts of ships , and where she knew she could shrink unnoticed into a warren of warehouses , entries and cellars .
4 For he 'd known she would n't go , that he was perfectly safe , that she was not the type to impose herself where she knew she was n't wanted .
5 Angela Carter studied medieval literature at the University as a mature student in the 1960s in the English Department , where she developed her taste for folk stories that underpinned such works as The Magic Toyshop , Nights at the Circus and The Company of Wolves .
6 Gillian retired to her own office where she prepared her flip charts .
7 Because of the way he was looking , his parted lips , his wondering eyes , she felt desire , a flicker of it , the first sign , the first time for months , a movement like a string being plucked where she thought her womb was .
8 We went through many dark passages until we reached a door , where she left me , taking her candle with her .
9 Tired and confused after the journey , I followed the servant into a large building , where she left me in a sitting-room .
10 She put the sheet of paper in an envelope , addressed it clearly , added the word ‘ Urgent ’ and carried it down to the office , where she left it for collection and received instead the original and the photostats of her article .
11 Where she left you . ’
12 From our village she travelled by coach to the south , where she made her new home near London .
13 Mildred slid him carefully into her pocket and raced up the stairs to her room , where she transferred him to a small box with holes in the lid which she had prepared specially for the journey .
14 Arriving after a gruelling 13 hour flight , appeared bright and full of energy , almost immediately giving a press conference where she expressed her fears for the future of peace and democracy in her country .
15 I do n't where she got them and I did n't ask !
16 Oh , she had a pretty good idea : she only needed to go back to Felix Road or even Nelson Close , where she said she lived , to find out .
17 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
18 A kiss where she raised her lips to his , and he did not hold back from moving his head down to hers , and , as her heart started to sing , so her arms went up and around him .
19 At the station , where she drove him , though he had been in the habit of regularly walking there , she refused to kiss him .
20 place of the All where she had her dwelling .
21 He was shaking hands now with the woman , who was the exact antithesis of her niece , being thin and bony ; even her arms , showing bare where she had her sleeves rolled up almost to the armpits , looked fleshless .
22 But not too many of those who reckoned she should be pitting herself alongside the professionals recognised that she was putting herself through a far tougher ordeal by playing in a junior championship where she had everything to lose , nothing to gain .
23 Clare levered the coins off the counter , and carried her cup out into the small enclosure , where she balanced it on an unsteady iron table , her feet cushioned by a carpet of litter .
24 Jessamy was halfway to the drawing-room at the back of the house , where she kept her drawing materials , when she came to a sudden halt .
25 The old memories were stuffed back into the dark , locked cupboard at the very back of her mind , where she kept them safely shut away .
26 He remembered that Firelight had to feed it with milk , but where she kept it he had no idea .
27 Connie Bethwaite ( Mrs Anscombe ) married after one year at R.A.E. , Farnborough , where she met her husband but disliked the work !
28 After leaving the nightclub with a friend known only as Sharon , Mrs Campbell was last seen alive in the Harding Street car park just behind the Guest House where she met her death .
29 After leaving the nightclub with a friend known only as Sharon , Mrs Campbell was last seen alive in the Harding Street car park just behind the Guest House where she met her death .
30 She was later seen at a hamburger stand in the car park behind the Guest House where she met her death .
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