Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] through " in BNC.

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1 Distress caused her eyes to brim with tears , and , furious with her own weakness , she turned and went to the inner office window , where she stared through a blur at the tree-sheltered chalets .
2 A further , characteristically modern variation on the pseudo-autobiographical or confessional novel is the interior monologue , as used in James Joyce 's Ulysses , where the reader eavesdrops , as it were , on the actual thoughts and sensations of the character as he or she moves through time and space .
3 The heron profile that she saw through the grille .
4 Sabatini had sympathy for her , admitting that she went through the same ordeal before winning the US Open in 1990 .
5 Everything would be provided , even the underwear , so she did n't need to change ; all that she had to consider was the little ritual that she went through every time .
6 However , there are both practical and legal problems in cases where the woman says that she consented through fear only : she did not resist , because she thought that it would be hopeless in the circumstances , she was terrified , or she feared serious violence .
7 It was as she finished with the remainder of yesterday 's mail that she glanced through the window in time to see Silas walking towards the stables .
8 She could n't see the number from where she was , so she stole through the undergrowth and came up to it from behind .
9 Seven-thirty came and she glanced through the curtains to see if she could see your car drawing up .
10 ‘ Lola is very powerful and very sensitive and she goes through a lot of changes .
11 And she went through the same circum got exactly the same ending .
12 anyw anyway erm I was talking to her on the bus not too long ago and , I do n't know how it came up but she was talking about Egypt , and er she 'd been apparently oh some a year or two back cos she did a , an evening course on Egyptology and she went through that , but she was telling me about a friend or friends of hers who 'd been er and told me about the trip .
13 And she reads through it .
14 For example , working with someone who is an ‘ emotional eater ’ , I created the family table and she played through all the parts round the table at childhood meal times to the camera .
15 Rachel signals for me to stay quiet , and she asks through the door what these guys want .
16 And she passed through the sweet shop with a nod towards Nan , who was serving a customer , and out into the street .
17 Belinda improvised at a gabble through a strained throat , and she hurried through the doors before Dr Russell could reach them and before Deana Davenport could gather her wits enough to reply .
18 There was a crowd of people milling around , and she pushed through them impatiently .
19 I give her the letters and ask her which one 's for me , and she looks through them quick .
20 But she was all Terry 's Liz were going mad cos she 'd through to garage .
21 She stared at him a moment , her eyes narrowed slightly , as if she saw through the flesh to the bone itself , and while he met her staring eyes unflinchingly , something in the depths of him squirmed and tried to break away .
22 to Stokesley , who if she screamed through a bloody bullhorn would n't be heard by anybody ?
23 If she goes through the checkout without a tantrum praise her behaviour ( ‘ You 're a big girl behaving so well ’ ) .
24 How ghastly if she bled through her breeches .
25 However , you can take some sensible steps to vet a would-be nanny : Check her references , even if she comes through an agency .
26 I thought we had her , but she slipped through our fingers .
27 He watched while she approached the gate in the wall , while she went through it and then passed out of sight .
28 She had taken them out so that she could read the labels on the other bottles — and for super-safe keeping she had locked them in my drawer while she went through all the tablets looking for the ones she wanted .
29 She had no problem in finding the turning which led her along an unadopted road for half a mile before she drove through open gates up a steeply ascending drive past lawns on several different levels until she finally reached a gravelled circle in front of Penry 's house .
30 She had to get her before she went through the gates and she was thankful for the bright moonlight .
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