Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Cynthia stood up and walked across to the window , where she stared out across the busy London street .
2 By December 1917 Madame Weill had moved from her tiny shop on the Rue Victor-Masse , where she pinned up her pictures with clothes-pegs on an overhead wire like washing , to a more imposing venue , Galerie B. Weill , 50 Rue Taitbout in the 9th arrondissement .
3 She walks from her flat at the wrong end of Ladbroke Grove , along the Harrow Road , under various stretches of motorway , past the Metropole Hotel where she calls in to buy herself a drink in the Cosmo-Cocktail Bar ( she is perversely fond of the Metropole Hotel ) , and then through various increasingly handsome although gloomy back streets , until she arrives at the arranged corner .
4 Sliding her arm from beneath him , Beth got out of bed and , wrapping her robe about her shivering form , went first to the window , where she looked out at the moonlit night .
5 She knew nothing of the future other than that it was an inhospitable fog that no-one had any choice but to enter , but she was certain that there was a scene all laid-out and waiting for her where she brought in the name of the man — or woman — who 'd first talked to Chrissie and then run her down .
6 That victory followed on from success in the Dewhurst International in March , where she came through from being a reserve qualifier to reach the semi-finals .
7 ‘ You think I did this ? ’ she whispered hoarsely , not even conscious that Agnes Diggory rushed to Araminta 's side where she lay back in her chair , hiccuping on her choking laughter .
8 The parrot crawled , more an animal than a bird , out of her cage and , helped along by her powerful beak , climbed the various terraces of Aunt Tossie 's bed until she reached her pillow where she crept along by shoulder to neck .
9 So I was definitely determined not to begin where she left off . ’
10 After she completed her degree course , they moved to the United States , where she took up an appointment as an instructor in English at Smith College .
11 Where she got off , the buildings had been knocked down , great rattling walls of corrugated iron , striped with bills , separated her from yawning cavities .
12 Part of her was appalled at the ease with which she had slotted straight back into the military lifestyle ; part of her welcomed the safety of knowing exactly where she fitted in and what she was supposed to do .
13 What was stranger still was that she seemed stressed and worried , and kept raising her wings into the wind and bending forward at it and then letting it lift her off her stand to the top of her cage where she stuck out her talons , hovered for a moment and then flopped inelegantly down again to the bare branch .
14 She kicked off her slip-on shoes , unbuckled and unzipped her jeans , and pushed them and her pants rapidly to the floor , where she stepped out of them .
15 People were clapping as he stumbled between the rows of seats with her and out into the garden , where she reached out one hand to clutch at the trunk of a flowering cherry , then doubled up over his arm to vomit into a tidy bed of daffodils .
16 Eventually he pushes his mother to the point of exasperation where she lashes out at him .
17 She went into the living room where she settled down at the dining table to mark compositions .
18 When the grassy and aromatic undergrowth of spring where she spread out her work to dry had balded and turned to dust in the summer , she hung out her clothes in the enclave at the back of her small house .
19 She started in the bathroom , where she washed down years of dust from walls and ceiling , scoured the toilet so that it sparkled , and dug out the thick dusty webs behind the pipes and wash-basin , disturbing a colony of frantic spiders .
20 In no time at all , she was hurrying down the hallway towards the nursery , where she swept in to announce , ‘ It 's such a glorious day , Mr Turnbull , I think we 'll cut short Richard 's lessons and I 'll take him out in the sunshine . ’
21 Wyn devised a laborious system of communication where she held up letters and Norman would nod for ‘ yes ’ and shake his head for ‘ no ’ .
22 She slammed the boot down , with a cry of ‘ God Almighty ! ’ and ran indoors , where she sat down at the kitchen table and beat her fists against the wood , with anger , with frustration , with a sudden , desperate concern for Nick .
23 Here she went to the dressing table where she sat down and regarded herself in the mirror .
24 Fabia reached Ven 's suite and let herself in , walked across the sitting-room and into her bedroom where she sat down on the edge of the bed , and felt , for the moment , defeated .
25 And where she blows up the lorry .
26 She was collecting glasses and plates from all over , slinging the contents in a vile bucket , and Philippa noticed that she was n't particularly careful where she stubbed out the cigarette that dropped a little trail of ash wherever she went .
27 Supposing Gesner pulled a trick , or she fell over .
28 Either that , or she made up her mind to marry the wretched fellow .
29 Maggie added : ‘ Keith sees Rose whenever he wants , either by popping in here or she goes over to him for the day . ’
30 the girls of my school have to take the place entirely of the mother of the family ; the families are generally large ; the woman goes out in the morning , she works in a pickle house , if she is a better class woman she goes out charring , or she goes out step cleaning during the day and the little girl takes the place of the mother of the family .
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