Example sentences of "[conj] they could just " in BNC.

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1 Newspaper publicity always gave the impression that the school could train anyone from scratch with little or no dance experience so young readers felt that they could just turn up without an appointment and would immediately be seen by this apparently motherly woman called Jennie Tiller .
2 ‘ We could be here for hours , ’ said Wilson , into whose tired brain had crept the thought that they could just sit down and have a little sleep until they were found .
3 I mean time of physiological difference and strength needs of their strength that they could just about fire a and he could n't even pull them back and so they you know , fine if you wan na go hunting use the boat
4 And they could just as easily have hopped on a train to any other part of the country . "
5 If somebody if they turn up at the normal time , I assume when though there 's you know we could leave a not a not a notice and they could just go out .
6 Now if they could just do the same to the beers themselves , and improve the taste , more people might be inclined to drink them .
7 It was always the same wherever he went — people were drawn inexorably to him , as though some of his charisma could rub off on them if they could just get close enough .
8 Some guys look as if they could be nice , but they could just as easily swing a baseball bat into someone 's face .
9 In that case the beneficiaries would have been Muslims but they could just as easily have belonged to a different group .
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