Example sentences of "[conj] they had see " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When we asked how they knew we were coming , they would solemnly say that they had seen the Little People lighting candles in all the windows .
2 . When two of my sons were little boys I took them to our old great-uncle Lord Albemarle 's yearly reception on Waterloo Day , that they might hereafter be able to say in their old age that they had seen and spoken to someone who had been at the Battle of Waterloo himself .
3 Members were pleased when constituents said that they had seen them on the box , and only one Member had received complaints that he had not been seen .
4 As they talked together , I was distressed to hear them recounting episodes of racial strife that they had seen .
5 She and her friend Annie Moberley believed that they had seen Marie Antoinette at the Petit Trianon ; they wrote a best-selling book about it , entitled An Adventure , which remains , even today , the subject of dispute .
6 Amongst new captives brought in were a Maxwell laird and an English under-officer , both of whom testified that they had seen King Edward Balliol riding off eastwards from the camp area , alone , still only in shirt and breeches , presumably making for the Border and Carlisle .
7 Interlocking would have prevented the signalman putting the signals for the express at ‘ CLEAR ’ yet it is strange that although both footplatemen on the express admitted not having seen the home signal on the approach to Charfield both men were equally emphatic that they had seen the proceeding distant signal and they said it was showing a green light and in the clear position .
8 His babe in arms would be no more responsive to Lloyd George 's leonine appearance than would an accompanying parakeet in a cage and if both , having seen him , were then carried around the National Gallery , it would be equally valid to claim that they had seen the works of art on display as well .
9 The point was , however , that Cumberbatch and Bates had named a number of video-nasties that did not in fact exist , and yet the children claimed that they had seen them .
10 After his death and burial in a far corner of the churchyard , several Dalespeople swore that they had seen George Hodgson walking by moonlight and after the mysterious deaths of a number of them , his body was exhumed and buried by the church porch with a stake through its heart .
11 But they told their grand father that they had seen the god , and that he had taken them to the mountain-top .
12 The Pretender nearly gave the game away by holding his skirts too high crossing a stream : ‘ some women whom they met reported that they had seen a very big woman , who looked like a man in woman 's clothes . ’
13 She must have sat alone there for a good quarter of an hour , singing to herself , before Henry and Lettice came crashing back through the woods , squealing that they had seen Humphrey and Janet and must take to the skiff at once .
14 They examined the rope again and , satisfied that they had seen everything , climbed the stone steps back on to the track high on the river bank .
15 A Reuters report on Feb. 25 , however , said that refugees arriving from Kuwait in al-Ruweished , Jordan , had said that they had seen no evidence of Iraqi troops engaging in systematic atrocities or executing civilians .
16 This gave credence to the claims of some transferred Sendero women prisoners who told human rights workers that they had seen at least two women surrender who were later officially reported to have died in the fighting .
17 Matthew Clarke , QC , for TV Licensing , part of the Post Office , maintained that two officers who had called at Mr Guest 's house had genuinely believed that they had seen a flickering light .
18 Once the two fathers had signed , once they had seen their names written in the register of marriages , it was irrevocable .
19 The women sitting around the room had begun to stir once they had seen the money .
20 But , once they had seen the flat in the exclusive block where Rosemary lived , no other accommodation bore comparison .
21 They had arrived home near the turnpike crossroads at 10.15pm , they had heard a shot at 10.25 , and they had seen William Tidbury and William Day leaving a Path near the woods at 10.50 , which was some five minutes after PC Golby had discovered the first body .
22 He and James Frawley had been their virtual creators for the television network and they had seen some excruciatingly successful years .
23 The following day I asked the young women of an all-girls ' school I was visiting if they had seen her , and what they thought .
24 I asked the villagers if they had seen him and Mr Natchet , the postman , said he had met him by the front gate when delivering letters about a month ago .
25 Asking Mr and Mrs Bloggs if they had seen the improvement in specific aspects of Fred 's work and then showing examples to back up statements made is one way of opening up discussion to avoid teacher domination of the meeting .
26 I doubt that any of the Israelites wandering in the desert and occasionally venturing down to the water would have written those lines about God being mightier quite so confidently if they had seen big Waimea .
27 Deep carpet covered the floors and the stairs swept up to the showrooms and the warren of workrooms beyond , and though the window drapes and furnishings were ever-so-slightly faded , as if they had seen better days , they were of the finest silks and velvets and every corner was swept , polished and cleaned daily so that no single speck of dust , let alone a cobweb , dared show itself .
28 There was another story about a blind mother , whose son did not return after the battle ; she wept when he did not return , and asked the survivors if they had seen a young and lovely boy lying slain , dressed in delicately embroidered garments of fine silk , and the survivors said No , they had seen no boy , but they had seen a great bearded man dead , and he had worn tied about his waist strange garments , torn and faded and old , which had once been embroidered with flowers .
29 When Melinda answered him in fluent Arabic , they all looked at her as if they had seen a ghost , bade us goodnight , and melted away into the darkness again .
30 So Babushka trudged through the snow , asking everyone she met if they had seen the kings .
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