Example sentences of "[conj] you want [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 You promised you 'd hurt me , that you wanted everything .
2 One of you 's got grievance and you want something done , there is something that you want done and the other person , is the person you want to do it or the person who 's got a part to play .
3 It 's because your civilisation is in decline , and you want everyone to go down .
4 And you want everyone else to get up as well do n't you ?
5 I want so much for you , and you want nothing for yourselves . ’
6 If you 're in a restricted area and you want somebody to do something you ca n't get to cranes in there , you 've actually got to say I 'll do that one and then I 'll do that one .
7 Well actually I feel a lot happier if you say that , because can I actually one of the first questions you asked , which I never got a chance to answer , though Terry did , was which what sort of criteria one would use to say that a Prime Minister 's good and erm I was sort of thinking of that as Terry was answering and I think the thing I came up with is you want somebody who represents , or is sensitive to at least , a very wide swathe of views across the population , but also someone who 's intelligent and caring enough to take into account the minority views , and you want somebody who 's aim is to make most of the people happy most of the time , sort of thing , erm but who 's also prepared to take unpopular steps erm if he believes it 's necessary .
8 And you want someone to send a message to the young lady to explain why you 're late ? ’
9 Nasturtiums would be good if you want something quick .
10 ‘ And if you want something , ’ Nails said to Nutty , ‘ You can go and look in her cupboards .
11 Well , if you want something to drink to , this one will make you laugh — I was actually nurturing the idea of working for you one day .
12 Book cars , especially if you want something unusual
13 If you want something plain and simple such as a bra and brief set , go for a luxurious fabric .
14 Many spring-flowering bulbs do well under deciduous trees , but if you want something to provide permanent ground cover choose from the relatively few plants that tolerate dry roots and poor light .
15 True enough but , as I shall argue below , AI is not an experimental science but an engineering technique or , if you want something more dignified , a practical task in the alchemical tradition , and what I have to say about its suggestiveness for investigating the nature of consciousness rests entirely on that fact .
16 You have to push if you want something , do n't you ?
17 If you want something with a bit more bite , go for armagnac .
18 If you want something different from the standard offerings of garden centres , order fledgling plants in plugs of soil , and seedlings .
19 If you want something really serious to do , there are lots of causes crying out for energetic , capable people .
20 " If you want something , you have to go out and work for it .
21 It is our view that this structure is an appropriate one for a project of this kind , following as it does the dictum that , " if you want something to happen you have to institutionalise it " .
22 Other factors identified by Jahoda and Warr as important for health may , however , be provided by workfare : these include a time structure to the day , social contacts outside the family , a sense of doing things with others , regularity , and ‘ traction ’ ( the quality that leads to the maxim ‘ If you want something done quickly ask a busy person ’ ) .
23 Sub-contracting works fine most of the time but if you want something done urgently and the typesetter is broken or tied up on a job for its owner then guess who 's work is going to have to wait .
24 Here , if you want something looking even halfway decent you 'll have to turn once more to the desktop publishing program .
25 They 're pricey , mind , but good if you want something a bit out of the ordinary . ’
26 If you want something of me , then ask me politely .
27 Or if you want something else , the weather 's rotten as well .
28 You 'd have to ask his daughter if you want something personal . ’
29 If you want something done then give it to a busy person ’ .
30 It may well be that they 're doing it , with er other ways of doing it and er that 's , that 's discussion , but I do actually think that there is sometimes something to be said , and I think a group can say it more easily than individual , is if you want something done , do it , but do n't come along and complain .
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