Example sentences of "[conj] he could be " in BNC.

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1 He wanted to go somewhere where he could be alone — where he could get some peace .
2 There was a large armchair in sister 's office where he could be dumped if he collapsed during ward rounds .
3 Indeed it was to escape this commotion of the house that young Tennyson sought sanctuary and solitude in the surrounding countryside , where he could be at peace with all he beheld and find the inspiration for his poetic thoughts which he conveyed to us by his pen .
4 Or he could be following a highway of pheromonal signals laid down by fellow members of his species — a trail leading to food , maybe .
5 I do n't recommend this as a tactic unless the rest of your cavalry is already engaged , or he could be surrounded and overwhelmed by a mass of lesser troops .
6 I 'd kind of been hoping they 'd take the cuffs off me altogether by now but I suppose they 're thinking that the body in the shaft does n't prove anything by itself , and that Andy could still be dead , or he could be alive and he — or somebody else — could have kidnapped Halziel and Lingary to provide cover for me .
7 Mr Davies ' remarks can be interpreted in two ways : the public expression of a maverick opinion , in the manner of Bill Cash or Ivan Lawrence ; or he could be acting with covert government backing as a kind of stalking horse to gauge the reaction from MPs , and the public , to his suggestion .
8 If you see a picture of a golfing great with his hands well in front of the clubhead at impact , you can be sure that he is either playing the type of shot I have just mentioned or he could be squeezing the ball out of a tight lie .
9 Or he could be dead .
10 Or he could be lying in hospital , his life hanging in the balance , an electronic bleep pulsing in the hushed room .
11 He could be genuinely offering her his guidance around the exposition or he could be offering her guidance in the art of something else !
12 Although he could be seen at rehearsals of his shows in small English towns , Tiller was an international name now .
13 Although he could be put to work on the roads , or in the gravel pits , or on a farm ( as a ‘ roundsman ’ ) , that work brought in no extra funds to his community ; many over-populated agricultural communities faced bankruptcy in consequence .
14 He added that Keith 's return to the airwaves was a one-off for the time being , although he could be on the look-out for a job when he finished work on a book .
15 ( Perhaps this was where the first shock to people in the field arose 0 as one said , ‘ we were expecting an all-singing Branson man and what we got was , although he could be very charming , a quiet , distinctly unvibrant and very determined person ’ . )
16 Queen 's student Donnelly excelled at Lurgan and won his first Northern Ireland Cross Country title a few weeks ago , but is still not fully fit , although he could be by the time of the Belfast race .
17 It will now be for the Home Secretary to decided when he 'd released although he could be transferred to a hospital in France .
18 ‘ Tell the laird , ’ James Menzies began , then raised his voice so that he could be heard as well by the crowd as by the factor .
19 He knew that he could be accused of acting like some less satisfactory prime ministers in this constitutional field , that is , choosing an archbishop of his own lay power without the approval of the Church ; and he disliked that situation .
20 Prost ( right ) is worried that he could be penalised for being involved in ostensibly innocent race clashes
21 What troubles the admirer of Lewis the critic — the man who had such an eye for excellence in the poets of past ages — is that he could be capable of stanza after stanza in which the verse is deadened by flat language , repeated clumsy enjambments and sheer technical incompetence .
22 There was an eloquence about his hand movements and I realized also that he could be a dancer if he wanted to be .
23 Kuhl is a very experienced player who can control the pace of the game from midfield and Anderton has so much natural talent that he could be a match winner .
24 He knew that he could be an ice-cube at times — God knows , Beethoven , Mozart and Wagner had not been easy to live with either — and Alexia took the chill off him .
25 The case of RE S ( A Minor ) was concerned essentially with the opposition of the parents of one child to comprehensive schools ; they kept the boy , aged 11 , away from school for 18 months before the Court of Appeal confirmed that the child should be taken into care so that he could be educated .
26 It was beyond possibility that he could be recognized as a policeman , yet he had not even been given a coquettish smile .
27 The personality of the present commander , L Detachment S.A.S. Brigade , is such that he could be given command of the whole force with appropriate rank .
28 And it 's never quite fitted for me that he could be so stiff and laconic in Cabinet and yet try and be much more expansive on these set-piece occasions .
29 At forty-seven years of age , he was young enough that he could be expected to complete the work , and yet he had probably built more buildings than any of his close rivals .
30 In his anxiety on finding out that he could be deprived of his commission , Scott had rushed into print , without properly considering the effect of his letter on others .
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