Example sentences of "[conj] for [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Others , for the same reasons or for what they believe are reasons of legal principle , may argue that no murder is committed , on the basis of the reasoning noted earlier that the ventilator is ‘ prolonging life ’ , and turning it off is an omission permitting death , not a commission causing death .
2 Or for something whose name Thérèse did not know .
3 They go off and tell untruths about the organisations for which they are working — in fact , downright lies — or for which they worked .
4 If the Purchaser shall be in receipt of any claim , or any fact or circumstance comes to the notice of the Purchaser which might constitute or give rise to a liability pursuant to any of the warranties the Purchaser shall forthwith notify the Vendor giving full details so far as practicable and shall not make any admission of liability or settle or comprise any such claim without the prior written consent of the Vendor such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ( subject to being indemnified and secured to its reasonable satisfaction against all costs and expenses incurred or for which it may become liable ) ;
5 Contents Item 1 of Part 1 of Section 2 of this Policy applies only to Personal Belongings including cash , currency notes and bank notes up to £100 or 5% of the sum insured under this Item ( whichever is the less ) in your Home belonging to you and members of your family permanently residing with you or for which you or they are responsible .
6 Belonging to the Policyholder or for which he/she is legally responsible — but only to the extent of the Policyholder 's financial liability to the owner e.g. Policyholder rents T.V. — only responsible for the financial liability i.e. value of T.V. at time of loss or damage , not the cost of a new set .
7 We have the Association for the Disabled for the blind , we have Age Concern but there is n't a for the mentally or for mental health or for whatever it might be called , and these groups are very useful in providing a focal point for liaison between statutory organizations , including the health service , and the users and carers , and providing points of lobbying concern , points on which we can comment and that that increasingly is the way we 're working in the community care consultation process .
8 The postcode is broken down into , obviously figures and numbers , C M's , denotes sort of the Chelmsford area , or for whatever it might be in yo in your area , then you 'll come down to either twenty , eighteen , whatever that is .
9 We set ourselves to introduce a critical awareness of current misconceptions about language , to inform students of some differences between speech and writing , to make them aware that social and aesthetic evaluations of language are that , and nothing more ( however confidently pronounced ) and to sensitise them to some of the difficulties of pupils in English schools for whom English is not the mother tongue , or for whom their own English was a baffling unfamiliar variety .
10 Try smaller local companies who might benefit from some publicity or for whom you could attract extra business or perhaps create an enduring and prestigious work of art .
11 However , the proportions for whom the general practitioner was described as reluctant to visit , or for whom it was felt it would have been helpful if the doctor had visited the person who died more often , did not vary significantly between the groups .
12 I do have venom for bullies , or for anyone who shows contempt for others . ’
13 The Saddlery Courses are designed for people wishing to earn a full time living from making and repairing saddlery or for anyone who just wants to supplement their existing income , as they state ‘ whatever you want from this course , either to earn money or to save money , it is designed for you . ’
14 Well it will , they have n't had a free election except for one they had in rather stressful circumstances a few months ago , since oh , the early er ninteen thirties , and one er wonders whether the population could be going to administer to Mr Kohl the same sort of surprise that the British population administered to Churchill in nineteen forty-five .
15 The only ‘ straight ’ parts of the service were the hymns — except for one which , to the tune of ‘ O God our help in ages past ’ , goes :
16 The most prominent of the dayis were captured and beheaded , their heads being sent to the sultan ( except for one which was carried away by the Danube whilst being washed by a gypsy in preparation for the journey to Istanbul ) .
17 The capitals are Corinthian except for one which is in Romanesque animal form .
18 I recently tried resurrecting some former friendships and did n't get any response , except for one who turned up on my doorstep , glad that I 'd written .
19 But you 're not going to know what to do at home any more than you do here , except for what your Mum bullies you into .
20 But it was work , and he need no longer allow Dinah to pay for anything , except for what she chose to purchase for herself .
21 Mr Cinnamond said all the money was ploughed back into the club , except for what it took to pay back those who had put up the finance to buy it in the first place .
22 Except for what you 've told me . ’
23 That 's right section three , it should be blank at the moment except for what you 've just been given .
24 The Good God knows I would dismiss the matter as fanciful and accept that the Scottish King died of an accidental fall from his horse except for what I found , those little shreds clinging to a thorn bush on Kinghorn Ness crying out ‘ Murder ’ to the world .
25 ‘ And he 'll tell you that each of us would-be Marines is one in a million — one in a billion — except for he who sets himself above the rest of his brothers ; and that one is less . ’
26 We are not awarded extra Brownie points in heaven for living a life full of suffering , nor for one which is dull and dreary .
27 He says ’ I think that for everyone who is objecting to the festival locally there are a lot more who are happy to see it go on and see the space used properly and there are twenty five thousand people here from all over the country that are loving the three days . ’
28 It did n't , thank heavens , seem likely that a situation would ever arise in which there was no hope for Richard , whereas , on the other hand , Willis considered that for himself there was scarcely any hope at all if he could not sell Dreadnought .
29 Except that for her it was n't lust at all .
30 I suppose you may say : ‘ Why should I be more green ’ ? and what I say to that is : ‘ I do n't know what the reason is for you but I do know that for me it 's about showing compassion for the planet we live on and trying to hand on as much beauty and good-will as we possibly can to future generations ; while improving our own quality of life .
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