Example sentences of "[conj] i still had " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There was a little bit from IRS where I still had connections .
2 They were still talking when I continued on my way back to my roomette where I sat in comfortable privacy for a while reading the timetable and also reflecting that although I still had no answers to the old questions , I now had a whole crop of new ones , the most urgent being whether or not Filmer had already known the Youngs were friends of Ezra Gideon .
3 It should be clear from the previous chapters that although I still had some sense of personal identity when I became anorexic , I simply did not have the opportunity or know-how to form an Eriksonian ego identity .
4 But I thought of the snow , the speed of the train , and the rifle , and decided that I still had no intention of trying to escape .
5 The problem was that I still had a Jamaican passport and to run in a major meeting like that it was necessary to become a British subject .
6 I felt that I still had so much to learn and there were recognised props in the squad .
7 I mentioned to Ewen that I still had some ( I told him 10 , but it appears to be only 8 ) copies left of GGE , and yesterday I approached Bargain Books on Princes Street , where I see they 're selling it for £6 , in the hope that I might add my copies to their stock and get a cheque for you .
8 The billeting troubles seemed very minor compared to my happiness , but Wendy and I still had to find somewhere to live .
9 Problem was I was playing a British Military Police Chief , and I still had my uniform on when I turned up at this place .
10 I would get home at about 7.30 in the evening and I still had to do my homework .
11 My second marriage collapsed in 1991 at the beginning of my last year of vocational training — and I still had dependants .
12 I was recently working with some badgers in Lancashire , and I still had the remnants of a cold .
13 It was not yet time for Johann to open the front door for my friends , and I still had to wait .
14 or sang , and I still had the sense
15 We turned into Dwyer Street and I still had n't made any headway .
16 I wish I was wrong and I still had my pension .
17 And I went down , and come back up with this tray of drinks and er Mike screaming , and I still had n't seen this feller I give the other drinks out , well when I went to take his in well he was as black as two o'clock in the morning was n't he ?
18 But obviously I 'd got on to something a bit more skilled and I still had this know all attitude .
19 The next morning the same thing happened and I still had n't the courage to tell her .
20 Dad , if I still had my wee Claxton Annabel could go outside and play in it .
21 Meeting Jenny the following day at least gave me something else to hang on to , but I still had n't the faintest idea how everyone was going to react .
22 I would probably have liked to replace my boots and ski-jacket , but I still had n't much personal money .
23 I might have been able to afford to pay them on the spot because of the win , but I still had to get home on the train that night .
24 But I still had doubts about giving up my job at Lloyds insurance firm , so for another year ( they were yearly contracts then ) I was allowed to keep the job , training two nights a week and playing in the reserves .
25 In the beginning , when I was two or three , I could n't reach the barrel — but I still had to join in .
26 My foot was giving me murder , and it got worse during the next few days , but I still had to go out and fodder the cattle .
27 Some years earlier , I had lost almost 2st ( 12.7kg ) from my heaviest weight of 10st 3lbs ( 65 kg ) , but I still had revolting hips and thighs as you will see from my ‘ before ’ photograph .
28 Next morning I cleaned up the vomit and got myself ready for school but I still had a nasty taste in my mouth and I was hot and achey .
29 My picture was also there but I still had to present my ID before I was allowed to play a note of Mozart or whatever .
30 I 'd have waved back , but I still had the manacles on .
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