Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb mod] not " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Another thing-if I ca n't keep my works here , where am I gon na jack up ? ’
2 For it 's time they saw more of me in the south , Iago , where I shall not be expected .
3 In the middle of the borders , where I ca n't reach without treading on the soil , I grow shrubs and perennials that need hardly any attention during the year .
4 ‘ Do n't leave me here , where I ca n't find you !
5 I 've reached a stage where I ca n't be bothered with a lot of these guys , but if I rule out the ones who take drugs from my circle of friends I will be left with literally no one to socialise with .
6 somewhere cool , where I ca n't watch it .
7 Where I ca n't see any , it 's gone , where gone , where is it gone you show me ?
8 And anyhow , ’ he ended with a trace of a grin , ‘ even though I was n't admitting the power you had over me , I think that even then I subconsciously did n't want you driving off anywhere where I might not easily find you . ’
9 My dream is to be a housewife , perhaps in France or the Canary Islands , where I would n't have to think of work or money and could go on excursions to supermarkets .
10 The next year , 1965 , he had his choice of three F1 teams competing for his services and chose BRM : as he has said , he wanted to be in a team ‘ where they would n't rush me , a team where I would n't be battling for my place every time I took the grid , a team where I could learn from a man like Graham Hill ’ .
11 Because it was before just before we moved the offices but it 's kicking around somewhere in an envelope with my name on the front of it but where I would n't know .
12 I mean even today he 'd made a mistake on that thing and you spotted it where I would n't have done .
13 I hope I can get plain sewing work enough where I need not spoil my fingers , but if I ca n't , I hope to mae my hands as red as blood pudding and as hard as a beechen trencher to accommodate them to my condition .
14 There was no way I could hope to keep up with him through the tunnel ( a route I highly recommend if you want to lose a tail ) as there were just too many imponderable lane changes and toll booth stops , so I U-turned where I should n't and headed back .
15 Although it 's interesting to hear the difference between these amps with a signal source as stable as the A2 , there was n't one where I could n't produce the desired sound simply by tweaking the combo 's own EQ .
16 I think you need to look again at the bit I 've marked above where I could n't understand it , and try to clear up the problem .
17 You wore a damnably provocative outfit , made sure you draped yourself where I could n't help seeing you . ’
18 There is no place you could go where I could n't reach you .
19 He braked in the slow corners , where I could not overtake , then on the straight , he accelerated and drove away , ’ he said .
20 I would sing to myself , perfectly content to be alone in my own dream world , imagining myself on television receiving an award for beating a world record and I would see my name and picture in the ‘ Guinness Book of Records ’ on the high bookshelf in my brother 's room where I could not reach it , and yet , through all those mornings of endless riding round the yard , I never once counted just how many times I had ridden around to see if I had beaten the previous morning 's record , so sure was my conviction of success !
21 Where I can not advise I can condole and communicate , which doubles joy , halves sorrow .
22 Or I might not .
23 The tent might blow away , I might get bitten by a snake , or I might not be able to pay back the £1,500 I had borrowed to finance the trip .
24 ‘ And remember I mean what I say , Robyn — no more stupidity or I might not be responsible for my actions . ’
25 I 'll bring it back for yeah , or I might not
26 Or I 'll not take you again . ’
27 I 'd better set off , or I wo n't be there at the station and he 'll think I 'm not coming .
28 ‘ You better stop sulking and apologize to your mother or I wo n't take you to Argentina . ’
29 Now do co-operate for my sake — or I wo n't have a moment 's peace in Rome .
30 Get up at once or I wo n't talk to you .
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