Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] then " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I believe that I began then to train myself to listen in the voice of somebody , or look through the outer facade .
2 It is for these reasons that I felt then , as I do now , that in pursuing an industrial career I was performing a social service , of no less significance than my service in the armed forces .
3 It 's a pure technicality , Mr chairman , but I did ask at the previous meeting er , that the erm , director of property services respond to me on a matter relating to Wootton Bassett magistrate 's court , If we have such a large amount of money that we can spend I think the questions that I posed then , er are relevant and I would appreciate a reply .
4 I feel at ease — much better than I did then . ’
5 But I feel even more optimistic about the future of our world now than I did then .
6 And yes , he had more dignity than I did then and I felt small , mean .
7 I can understand them far better now than I did then .
8 Dean agreed : ‘ I had an opportunity to watch Jimmy a couple of times from short leg in my first season here , and I realised then that he does n't go very far forward .
9 ‘ Well , I was five months in Brazil and I thought then , if I want to get further into South America I need Spanish .
10 And I thought then that maybe I should ask him how he was .
11 " I saw him just before nine and I thought then that he 'd been dead about twelve hours , perhaps a little longer .
12 ‘ I watched them fishing him out yesterday afternoon and I thought then , ‘ If that 's where you 've ended up , my friend , I can make a good guess as to where you went in . ’ ’
13 Erm , and feeling there was it must of been he said today I 've cooked Sunday lunch and erm , she ate half of it and I thought then she finished it .
14 Lady I got her from she 's just getting the webs in between her feet and I thought then
15 Okay , we looked last time at the development of the Kuomintang and nationalist China after the nineteen twenty five twenty seven revolution and I said then that the defeat of that revolution had a profound affect on the character of the Kuomintang and the character of the nationalist China over which it presided .
16 I 'd be much more impressed by some positive suggestions of what we might do cos I th you know , months ago I was browbeaten outside church over a lot of similar issues and I said then , you know
17 When I said she was n't here , he asked where she was and I said Maidstone and he said she 'd moved and I said then I did n't know but he could leave the flowers here for Frank but he would n't .
18 and I said then on the , on the Saturday his leg , his wound , he come out of intensive care on the Wednesday and on the Saturday his , his dressing had n't been changed on his leg and it reeked and I said can we actually please have a clean dressing for my dad 's leg , even if I 've got to put the bugger on myself , that was at quarter past eight
19 And I said then I go to the surgery I said and I do n't go in the lounge do I ?
20 And I went then from a , a timber mill and they there 's various different jobs I 've been in since then , you know ?
21 And I went then and I and cos the b he to asked this man see , the foreman like there , and then er he gave me a job .
22 ‘ Ah , mortal , when first I called you to the pool in the Forest , you came swift as a bird — and I felt then that our souls answered to each other .
23 He reflected , ‘ It was a disaster , this movie , and I knew then it was going to set me back . ’
24 ‘ Hi , Cameron , ’ he said , and I knew then he 'd been aware of me all the time .
25 I saw the look the malai doctors gave each other and I knew then he would never see again .
26 And then I leaned up to look down into your face , and saw the same vulnerability echoed there , your eyes almost purple , dazed , uncomprehending , and I knew then that I could n't let you go .
27 And I saw then this discipline and order .
28 And I saw then this discipline and order .
29 And I saw then for certain
30 And I wished then I 'd been on the farm , I might tell you !
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