Example sentences of "[conj] he [adv] know " in BNC.

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1 For the second lot , he may have another code which I do n't have or he just knows them by heart .
2 Although he evidently knew what the king had planned , he nowhere states it explicitly , and his silence has left the field to Mancini 's version .
3 Although he evidently knew what the king had planned , he nowhere states it explicitly , and his silence has left the field to Mancini 's version .
4 Although he hardly knew the super-model , he was aware that there were times when a semi-stranger was a better confidant than a close friend .
5 that he neither knew nor had reason to believe he was driving without insurance .
6 In the case of the cable service operator , and the producer and director of the programme in question , the defendant must show that he neither knew nor reasonably suspected that the programme would contain the offending words , or , if he did know , that he had no reasonable opportunity to remove the offending words .
7 He paused , as she turned again , her expression so forbidding that he scarcely knew how to continue .
8 ‘ W-who … ? ’ she stammered , while some part of her intelligence prodded away that — could it be that he somehow knew that she was not the person she was pretending to be ?
9 Joan is proud of both talent and talent-spotter : ‘ Graeme said that just by watching Steve work you could see he had something , that he instinctively knew how to handle the food . ’
10 ‘ It concluded that someone must have betrayed Nowak and that he probably knew who it was .
11 ‘ That was before the shrimp dish reached the dining-room ’ , said Milsom , revealing that he already knew a great deal about the evening .
12 She had an awful suspicion that he already knew exactly what Anpetuwi meant , and had asked her to embarrass her .
13 They had looked at each other , disconcerted at this apparent lack of liaison , but McLeish had been reassuring : very natural that they had n't compared notes , extremely useful that he now knew how long the car had been there .
14 He returned on 16 September , telling Tom Jones that he now knew what Roosevelt meant when he said he felt like a ‘ bull moose ’ .
15 Not that he personally knew what it was .
16 One can picture Hoskyns looking down from the skies and being grateful for his pupil ; and Bethune-Baker looking down and thinking that he always knew where Hoskyns might lead the Churches .
17 It was uncanny the way that he always knew when he reached the pew .
18 He says that he always knew where he was with Ken .
19 KENNY DALGLISH has come to see a side of Alan Shearer that he never knew existed when he shelled out £3.3 million on the England striker .
20 He was driven by a devil that he never knew but he never stopped fighting , a maker of his own myths , Celtic , Faustian , an Icarus and a Don Juan , coming out from his beloved Wales like a mystical warrior to rove the world for conquests , forever unsettled , forever daring .
21 Cezar , Bailey 's Brazilian butler , later recalled that he never knew what to expect in those days .
22 After a few false starts a whole vocabulary and syntax that he never knew he knew begins to well up from his old-fashioned black portable .
23 He had liked her , respected her , had always been at ease in her company , but he had never thought that he really knew her , and now he never would .
24 And because the Crabb operation was unauthorised the Director General of MI6 could also honestly tell the inquiry that he too knew nothing about such a plan .
25 And it was as he turned from her , that jewel box in his hand , that he suddenly knew who had taken those jewels , and his anger carried him away from Charity 's pain and her need .
26 Targoutai thinks that he alone knows the truth . ’
27 I suspect Bunny probably meant that he once knew a Swedish waitress , but I let it pass .
28 Looking back on these years , he remembered lying in the sun , his face covered with a straw hat : ‘ Other boys were always talking of when they would be men ; he did not want at all to be a man , or to possess things , but to remain as he was , in the same spot , and to know no more people than he already knew . ’
29 Gabriel went back to her table , conscious that Cat had been listening , but probably could n't make more of it than he already knew .
30 Hardly a word out of her , even when the curate , Father Mooney , insisted on making a speech to the company , and him hardly knowing Den at all .
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