Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Before she was aware of what he was doing , he had lifted her up and was carrying her to the bed , where he deposited her gently , like some priceless , fragile object .
2 After visiting Queen 's the man took her for a walk near Twickenham Bridge where he attacked her .
3 Afterwards he took her to the entrance of the Priors Park Estate , where he released her .
4 Now Dean Street , where he killed her , is n't exactly a quiet area ; someone somewhere must have seen or heard something .
5 Although the village was tiny , her father 's practice included a large area of the surrounding countryside as well as parts of Chollerton , the small country town three miles inland where he delivered her , in the Cottage Hospital , on 14 April 1929 .
6 He took Ellie by her forearm , and marched her down the landing and the painted uncarpeted stairs into the living room , where he sat her in the big chair in the corner .
7 He took her by back streets to Golden Lane , where he handed her over to Noakes , the mortuary attendant .
8 The man half carried , half pulled her into a nearby pub , where he propped her in a Windsor chair and went to fetch water from the bar .
9 When the olive-skinned Valentino was seen kidnapping a white girl and taking her to his tent where he seduced her , cinema audiences were treated to a franker exposé of naked lust on the screen than they had ever seen before .
10 His mouth was open and drooling and his tongue lolling between his lips and his eyes staring as if he did n't see her and everything about him red , and his hands bruised her skin where he tugged at her to move her where he wanted her , and he was making awful noises and pushing at her and pushing at her without the slightest gentleness almost as if he did n't realise it was her .
11 ‘ No ! ’ she shrieked , and managed a half-turn away from him , then discovered that he had found a way of keeping her exactly where he wanted her .
12 But his arms reached to enfold her , drawing her against his chest , where he held her closely for several long moments .
13 He certainly liked Alix , and after the demo he took her off for lunch in a pub and then for a walk to his room in King 's , where he showed her his pots and his paintings .
14 She left my father , or he left her , when I was born — or earlier !
15 The stories grew more inflamed with the telling and witnesses were about equally divided as to whether Beatrice encouraged Modi to debauchery or he provoked her .
16 No man will publicly humiliate a woman because she is ‘ old ’ or he finds her sexually unattractive : no woman will deride a man for his sexual insufficiency or because he is ‘ weak ’ or ‘ wet ’ or a ‘ wimp ’ .
17 But , although he beat her , she refused to help him with his evil plan .
18 The fact that he rapes her on the night that Stella 's baby is born , on their bed , and in his wedding pyjamas makes Stanley seem even more bestial .
19 We know that he made her write a letter to bring Sir Charles to the moor gate on that sad night .
20 It was touching to me to see how she would sometimes act helpless because she loved him being , as he often was , masterful with her , as well as tender ; and for his part it was easy to see that he thought her a wonderful woman and admired every inch of her .
21 His glance raked her from head to foot before he even moved further and she could see that he thought her very decadent to be in her housecoat at this time in the morning .
22 She shook herself inwardly , said severely , Control yourself , Sally-Anne Tunstall ; remember what happened when you had such soft thoughts about a man before , and the sudden dreadful memory this evoked hit her so hard that she stopped dead in her tracks , gave a stifled wail , and went so white that Dr Neil , hearing her , and looking at her , saw that her pallor was so extreme that he thought her on the verge of fainting .
23 She had to admit that he worried her a lot .
24 If he went to them he would have to admit that he left her there .
25 Hari gestured that he follow her through the door into the small back yard and from there into the small workshop .
26 Chelmsford Crown Court heard that he blasted her with a sawn-off shotgun in the street in front of their two young children .
27 The sister claimed that he told her , shortly before his death , that he had a sexual relationship with the doctor .
28 She insisted that he told her he felt ‘ ashamed , embarrassed and dirty ’ about the ‘ kinky ’ relationship , and had continued it only ‘ because he was n't paying her much ’ .
29 But it rejected her claim that he told her to come to work in suspenders .
30 It was n't until almost his last breath that he told her of the board beneath his bed and what was under it , assuring her he had saved it for her .
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