Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 He had developed a terrible memory for who he drove and where he drove them to .
2 No he did n't er P C found some trousers , I 'm not sure where he got them from er and put them on for him .
3 Walker gives routes a pitch by pitch description where he feels they are hard to follow .
4 Probing with his narrow hands he located the organs he sought , and , using another slender knife , dislodged and withdrew them , handing them to his assistant , who placed them in bronze trays and took them to another table where he covered them with natron salt , to dry and preserve them ready for the four jars which would stand in a chest at the head of the coffin .
5 When they immediately reacted with their automatic alarm response of rolling up into a tight ball , the entire family promptly rolled down the slope of the hill and came to rest at the man 's feet , where he picked them up and popped them into his collecting bag .
6 You can explain to him about your system and he 'll put the books back where he found them . ’
7 He tucked them in his pocket , where he forgot them .
8 It is no mean feat to perform such a large work , but Christopher Phelps had the orchestra just where he wanted them .
9 When she 'd said she was worried about her superiors , he 'd felt like telling her that he had her superiors right where he wanted them , but he could n't .
10 Then he seized the bag of cookies , and on his way back indoors , threw them where he considered they belonged , in the trash can with the rest of the garbage .
11 ‘ Impossible — Wings Balsdon 's got the goons just where he wants them
12 He assumed , however , that rather than evolving over the ages to suit their environment , they had been ‘ ready-made ’ by God to the perfect design needed for where He placed them .
13 So , whether or not they were armed , or he believed they were armed , he was right to kill them . ’
14 He strengthens their integrity or he corrupts them ’ .
15 Either he took the first plane to Dublin , or he rejected them out of hand .
16 Good payers too , or he misjudged them .
17 I do n't know whether he was turned down by them , or he turned them down , or something , I do n't know .
18 The manager ‘ brings out what is in them or he stifles them .
19 Or he gave them the impression that he wrestled , with limbs contorted , in the effort to seize hold of what truth could be found .
20 He used to go to a lotta places er that as knocked down or , well I could n't tell you the kind of job , but often there was some locks on the premises was er , perhaps needed repair or he wanted them to be in before he could leave the job and say here you are , that 's the job done .
21 The motorist is driving too fast because he does n't expect any children , or he expects them to be careful ’
22 So did Jim , although he said they 'd never get a word in if he came .
23 It could n't be the same Rover , because they 'd have recognised the car , although he hoped they had n't stopped long enough to get the number .
24 Although he greeted them cheerily enough , they noticed that he was twisting a new piece of white chalk nervously between his fingers .
25 Although he led them in Korea he was actually from the Cheshire Regiment .
26 He did not discuss his ordeal with Ranulf or the Prior , although he told them time and again that all was well and let them order his life , content to drift , think and reflect .
27 He says that he hopes they 've been able to reasure the people living nearby , and that the travellers will now quietly leave .
28 As a user and devotee of Wainwright 's books , I am convinced that he wrote them primarily as works of creative art , for sharing with those of like mind .
29 The memoirs are extremely detailed , yet Hickey states that he wrote them almost entirely from memory , having only a few documents available to him and those mostly from his later years .
30 " I remember that year Jimmy telling us that we had black players in South Africa , that they were reasonably good and that he thought they should have the chance to become members , " Bland explained .
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