Example sentences of "[conj] it now has " in BNC.

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1 The Community 's authority would be extended to many areas , like health and education , where it now has no legal remit ; majority voting in the Council of Ministers would be reinforced ; the European Parliament would be given extra power to block laws it does not like ; and a small step might be taken towards a common EC defence policy .
2 It will maintain a sales and support network in the 150 countries where it now has a presence , but there may be cuts in both Wang employee numbers and the type of facilities it will operate .
3 This moved , long since , up to the campus , where it now has premises on one side of the main gateway .
4 Unsurprising , perhaps , but in a country that for 40 years has acted like a poodle it is striking to find a Japanese suggesting that it now has the strength of a rottweiler .
5 Cellnet Mobile Communications Ltd claims that it now has 100,000 subscribers for its low-use mobile service , Lifetime ; the cellular company expects to double this number over the next nine months .
6 The resolution will be put to the League 's annual meeting on Friday , and Rovers hope the fact that it now has official support , will be sufficient to have it passed despite anticipated opposition .
7 We really feel that it now has a future . ’
8 The company says it has four new products coming this quarter — Stacker for Macintosh , Stacker for OS/2 & MS-DOS , and two new releases of Stacker for Windows & MS-DOS to address the compression shortcomings of MS-DOS 6.0 , and it now has a streamlined organisation .
9 But it now has its own research and development facility in the US , and has recently opened its own automated assembly line in London .
10 The Official Secrets Act remains substantially intact , but it now has to be read with the additional defences available under the new legislation , happily with a pendant attached deriving from the Aitken case that juries will not stand for the use of oppressive legislation in cases of mild divulgence , and confidentiality has been confirmed as being available where secret information is breached without official justification .
11 The exact conditions and extent of this liability are not yet fully established , but it now has to be borne in mind as a possible consequence of the non-implementation of a directive .
12 McEniff 's zeal for football has not subsided in later years , but it now has to compete with two other compelling passions , his family and his business .
13 It 's in verse eleven , as a result of the anguish of his soul he will see it and be satisfied , he 'll be satisfied with the rescue operation , he 'll be satisfied with what he has accomplished , Isaiah says , and Jesus uses , perhaps , even more extravagant language , there in Luke fifteen , when he says in verse six , in verse mm mm , in verse seven , when he comes home with that sheep that he 's rescued with that lost to but it now has been found , when he brings it home he says there wi , he says he calls together his friends and his neighbours , saying to them rejoice with me !
14 Bayfield says the US business can remain profitable at lower volumes because it now has a reduced cost base .
15 Though it now has few East European customers it has proved that with cheap , intermediate technology and a limitlessly flexible approach to business , it is possible to sell exchanges to Russian cities .
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