Example sentences of "[conj] it said it " in BNC.

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1 Compaq Computer Corp says that the restructuring of its field and reseller support operations in the US to increase interaction with its broadened customer base and provide enhanced support to its resellers ( CI No 2,148 ) , will cost about 150 field employees their jobs , but the loss will be partially offset by an as-yet-undetermined number of employees to be hired at the company 's Houston headquarters as part of the reorganisation ; the 150 to go are the last of the 1,000 jobs that it said it planned to cut in October .
2 If it spends more during the year than it said it would spend , it is worse off and must either borrow more or raise more taxes .
3 And it said it 's a family business .
4 But it said it was confident of surviving and would seek shareholders ' approval at a meeting on 29 April .
5 It emerged yesterday that one of the two private consortia negotiating to build the line with British Rail had rejected BR 's preferred route because it said it could cost up to £5bn .
6 Closer perhaps to the title of this section , we might come to allow that the computer really was paying tax refunds ( because it said it was ) , even though all detective work on its machine code program was consistent with it being occupied directing the trajectories of inter-continental ballistic missiles .
7 Ben gave the right answer literally speaking because it said it on the sheet of paper .
8 Bissell 's eyes never left Rohmer as he spoke , and Rohmer knew what the thing meant when it said it would n't talk to Gilbert anymore .
9 Mr Prescott said : ‘ If private capital can not produce the goods as it said it could , they should be given a short period of time to clear the mess up , or we will take it over .
10 As it said it would eventually , Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has begun manufacturing the IBM Corp RS/6000 systems it resells as its DPX/20 line at its plant in Angers .
11 Even so , I do not think they have mended the battery correctly as it said it was about to close down and stop when the battery meter said the battery was five-eights full …
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