Example sentences of "[conj] it was given " in BNC.

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1 At a purely practical level , the anarchist and socialist press provided a forum for the dissemination of information about the October revolution , where it was given an enthusiastic reception .
2 It was a manifesto for change , and although it was given greater publicity by the Tories and the local press than by the Labour Party , it was with this manifesto that Labour increased its majority in Haringey .
3 The company argued that it was given a stay of execution by other bankers even though it had defaulted on loans connected with its American Heileman brewing operations .
4 In fact , its success was such that it was given the ‘ unique honour ’ of being made the secretariat to the Intergroup on Animal Welfare — an all-party committee which discusses welfare issues .
5 Review is only available to adjudication officers , who can revise the decision where it is shown that it was given in ignorance of , or mistake as to , a material fact , or there has been a relevant change of circumstances .
6 Again , in his biography of Molla Mustafa Sarukhani ( Ak Musli : d. 1016/1608 ) , Ata'i says that the subject , while in retirement from a 40-akce medrese , was in 994/1585–6 given the muftilik of Agras " with [ an ] stipulation and rank " is ambiguous , however , since it could conceivably mean not that the medrese was to be considered as but that it was given with the stipulation that the muderris should receive an medrese in due course ) .
7 Local journalist Mike Stairs has been following the story closely , but says it was n't until the mid-'80s that it was given national attention .
8 erm A lot of people gave as a reason for getting a particular piece of furniture the fact that it was given to them by their parents when they got married , or that a neighbour was trying to get rid of it , or that somebody from work had passed it on and they needed one .
9 And it was given new nourishment by a series of Hitler speeches in late 1940 and early 1941 which aimed to strengthen confidence in final victory and create the impression that the decisive strike to end the war — people still presumed that it would be against Britain — would take place in the course of the next twelve months .
10 On 6th June , 1857 he introduced the Public Offices Extension Bill , and it was given a Second Reading on 30th June , the day that he reported the judges ' decisions , when it was referred to a Select Committee .
11 Henry Calverley , a friend of the family , asked for the arrow to use as a trophy and it was given to him on condition he solemnly promised not to reveal its origin .
12 A Grand Jury in California handed up indictments against two officers of Symantec Corp alleging that they stole trade secrets from Borland International Inc after a six-month investigation by the district attorney 's office of Santa Cruz County , California into the allegations that a Borland officer brought confidential company material with him when he left Borland to join Symantec ; Symantec says that last it hired an independent law firm to look into the charges , and it was given the opinion that there was no crime committed and that none of the items constitute trade secrets .
13 Er i and it was given that image by pointing the cameras at at at the flats , and then spieling off the crime figures for the whole subdivision .
14 This treaty was enlarged and extended on 24 June 1931 and it was given material expression in Afghan neutrality during the Second World War .
15 When I say that er the existing bonus structure er although unrelated to time , was certainly related to the man 's pay packet and it was given in the way of an advice note with each job , and a price attached to it .
16 A man used to hand it back in when the bus ran in and it was given out the next day .
17 The commission could buy land either by agreement or compulsorily , and it was given very wide powers for this purpose .
18 Because it 's not on T P S , and , and it was given , it was given to a great-aunt or something , and she hocked it off him .
19 That was totally unplanned. erm I was told by a friend that there was erm Pebble Mill were going to organise an Environment Project Competition for Great Britain , and they suggested I sent for a form , which I did , and filled it in , and erm to my astonishment a film crew came down and filmed the pond , and later on I was invited with my husband to Pebble Mill to get this award and it was given me by Virginia Mackenna and Bill Waters , and David Bellamy was there , and erm we had a wonderful time .
20 Victors ' trophy until it was given to Brazil for keeps on their third win in 1970 .
21 It provides , secondly , that long elusive missing link , decision taken on 5 Corps ' signal on 23 May reiterating that it could only carry out its orders to hand over the Cossacks if it was given authorization to use force .
22 Meanwhile , the Israeli government indicated that it was prepared to discuss the demand for Yassin 's release if it was given assurances that Toledano was alive .
23 I 'm glad you mentioned that cos it was given to me by the wife of the steeplechase handicap a very important man today cos for more than
24 But it was given very full and serious consideration . ’
25 The concept of the church as heaven on earth was as old as Byzantium , but it was given new impetus in these confections of the Holy Roman Empire 's last century .
26 A copy of the notice served on the group of insurance companies was sent to W. Plc. but it was given no opportunity to make representations and it had no right of appeal under Lautro 's 1988 Rules .
27 I wo n't read it all out , but it was given to me before I went into the Air Force .
28 Poland had threatened on Sept. 9 to abandon its negotiations with the EC unless it was given extra access for food products .
29 And you know she treasures it because it was given her by a grateful patient centuries ago .
30 But that said , erm what what it what the position is , er i is that we have put into the model Well we have n't put it into the model because it was given to us a part of the model and possibly by now North Yorkshire may have the revised model , No they have n't yet .
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