Example sentences of "[conj] it was very " in BNC.

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1 We are very well looked after for money and food — the food here in Sian has n't been a patch on Peking ( where it was very good indeed ) , but we are n't grumbling — if we do n't like what they give us we ask for something different ( e.g. omelette ) and get it .
2 ‘ I 'd already gone on a beginners ’ sailing weekend , and although it was very rough — not beginners ' weather at all — I really loved it . ’
3 There has been a good deal written about coal field culture but coal field culture is not now ( although it was very recently ) central to either of my locales .
4 Although it was very late , Otto whisked us off to dine that night at a restaurant some way along the coast .
5 Although it was very rough at first , but I got used with it even when the seasickness caught me up going round the top of the highland , but once he was away from that and er I was n't a drinker in these days but some old man says to me , er before you go to a meal , he says , take a drop of brandy .
6 Although it was very unlikely , he must have got the number from the boat company .
7 Although it was very unlikely that they could be disturbing anyone they both spoke almost in whispers , and Nenna 's last remark , which scarcely deserved an answer , was lost in the air , drowned by the wash of high tide .
8 Although it was very hot , Owen had not put the fan on .
9 Although it was very cold and wet , in collaboration with the groups in the parish it turned out to be a very successful evening .
10 To her relief , although it was very faint , she found a pulse , and quickly she loosened his tie , unbuttoned his shirt and somehow manoeuvred him into a better position , all the while talking to him , reassuring him , telling him he was safe .
11 Throughout the pregnancy , I sensed there was nothing wrong with the baby ; that it was very strong , healthy and right . ’
12 SHE : I was going to say , if you 'd let me , that it was very hot before I got back .
13 They decided that it was very strange and exciting , and a very good reason to gallop around , and to snort and buck , and to carry on like madmen .
14 One of the several results was that it was very beneficial to fifteen actors like himself and eight directors who were ‘ hot ’ , and five good writers .
15 All I can now remember of questions and answers is writing a three-hour essay on ‘ Security ’ , and I can not think that it was very good .
16 It was true that it was very hard to work in the public baths .
17 In that it was very efficient .
18 Denis [ Healey ] admitted that it was very unlikely we could close the whole of the balance of payments gap by 1978–79 , even if things went well .
19 But if you look inward , inside the Cabinet system itself , in the way that Franks allows one to , you 'll see , will you not , that it was very difficult to get the relevant Cabinet committee — the Oversea and Defence Policy Cabinet committee , which the Prime Minister chairs — to discuss this issue ?
20 One of the handful of paid staff , a young woman of about seventeen , was full of energy and enthusiasm , but she said that it was very difficult to keep enough volunteers to teach .
21 He told the court that he had been under ‘ emotional stress ’ at the time of the offence and that it was very much out of character for him to drink and then drive .
22 As treasurer of our appeal , may I say that it was very disappointing that , first of all , the council members and the town clerk did not accept our invitation to the opening of our appeal , on March 11th .
23 Aristotle added that the manticore 's voice was ‘ like a small trumpet ’ and that it was very wild , although if its tail was bruised it could be tamed without any trouble .
24 It was always chilly at the school because the building was made of stone , rather like a castle , and was perched on the top-most peak of a mountain , surrounded by pine trees which grew so close together that it was very damp and gloomy .
25 All agreed that it was a trick and that it was very silly of the people who made it .
26 Masklin told himself that it was very rare for a nome to kill another nome .
27 I was aware during the encounter that it was very compelling viewing .
28 Mrs Singh expressed her feelings that it was very important for all her children to speak Punjabi and she was afraid that they might not do this if she and Mr Singh spoke English .
29 Moreover , when I actually stopped to think about the problem I became uncomfortably aware that it was very unlikely that I would be able to obtain such commitment .
30 Mike Gatting presented , and in the pre-match interviews he stressed that it was very , very hot , and I swear Gatt must have lost a stone just standing out in the middle talking about the pitch .
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