Example sentences of "[conj] have be [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Actually , I am not sure that I was there on that night of his arrival , and I do n't claim to remember all the details or to have been as impressed by his appearance , framed in the doorway , as some people I drink with do ; I think they just want to talk about their witnessing his first appearance that way — as if he was an angel or something extraordinary — because of what went on to happen later .
2 At that time it was a kind of derelict brick structure , part of which er over there , the bit that 's at right angles to where we are now , was in a was a plumber 's showroom or had been and this part was actually derelict and had a demolition order on it .
3 She gave him a little push and , in a daze , he followed Dorothy and one or two of the others up the stairs to the room that had been and still seemed to be Bunty 's .
4 They knew that had been when
5 We have had three Conservative governments that have been and still are committed to the rolling back of the ‘ nanny ’ state .
6 It 's really ironic that suddenly people from The Independent are really into it because it 's safe to be behind something that 's been and gone and proved its worth .
7 Winchester 's position is , and has been since they first saw the copy notice , that the allegations in it were unfounded and that some or all of the factual material on which the allegations were based was inaccurate .
8 Tony Adams , the Arsenal skipper , says : ‘ Niall and I are great friends and have been since he came over here 10 years ago .
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