Example sentences of "[conj] in some way " in BNC.

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1 The most problematic aspects of a modern concept of citizenship is the need to promote the sense of national identity or in some way to secure that citizens experience a sense of belonging to the state and the state belonging to them .
2 One might add a further definition of ‘ triple jeopardy ’ — they are old , mostly women and black , or in some way culturally distinct .
3 You could end up by making a picture , abstract or in some way representational , which shows the connections of your childhood to your mature adult life .
4 An example may be a traveller who has on previous occasions caused annoyance to other guests or in some way disrupted the inn .
5 In general , anything that is not a basic entity is either a feature of such an entity or in some way depends upon such entities for its own existence .
6 They could always be used when any government wished to drag out proceedings or in some way be obstructive .
7 Those which can be recycled , re-used or in some way " recovered " will attract a lower disposal price premium than those which have to be dumped or incinerated .
8 Anyone wanting to render him into modern English must reckon with the possibility of having to abandon or in some way replace the metre ; and then , where Horatian Latin steps lightly , so lightly , as to the sound of flutes , in comes English with galumphing hoof , trumpeting rhymes .
9 For instance , after she had said I would have remained in ignorance , the tree opens wisdoms way though secret she retire , the word secret catches up almost by a mechanical verbal train of association the thought and on it perhaps secret and then all these uneasy feelings that perhaps God 's so far away , or he was n't watching , or in some way or other he did n't actually see .
10 It implies that in some way Wainwright himself was to blame for the outdatedness of some of his copious details .
11 Like the three kings in the story , O went home another way , feeling that in some way he had just been warned about something .
12 People do leave something of themselves behind in the houses they 've lived in , the Japanese recognize that in some way , I do n't know how .
13 He went out of the room , into the corridor and into his room and there he stood with his back to the door , his mouth wide , gasping at the air , still in fright , yet knowing that in some way he had emerged as if out of a deep canyon .
14 When they do n't have enough time , teachers know , even if they are fairly successful at not thinking about it , that in some way or other they are letting down their pupils , their colleagues or themselves .
15 To talk of ‘ the family in industrial society ’ implies , as we have noted , that in some way the family has changed with the process of industrialization .
16 Did this mean therefore that in some way France had forfeited her position in Indochina and was she to be treated as an opponent rather than an ally ?
17 Any claim that a certain state or government , regime or society is " really " or " in the last analysis democratic , however implausible it may seem , must involve the implication that in some way or other the government , regime or state in question serves or represents the people ; that the " real " will of the people is expressed through it , or that the people support it , even if this support is not necessarily demonstrated through such formalities as elections .
18 Perhaps a scientist suggests that in some way the bat 's ears are involved in its ability to avoid obstacles .
19 However , Mr. Philipson seeks in effect to draw a line down the centre of the Atlantic , and to suggest that in some way the supervisory operations of the Federal Reserve Board and those of the Bank of England are separate and unconnected .
20 The guardian ad litem takes the view that this decision is against the interests of the child and that in some way the inconvenience of the decision ought to be got round .
21 The way I have phrased this criterion implies that we should begin by looking for the biochemical and cellular changes and then on this basis seek the neurophysiological ones , and that in some way the neurophysiology is a mere incidental product of the biochemical and structural changes .
22 When Picasso painted the Demoiselles d'Avignon , those of his friends who were allowed to see it seem to have felt that in some way he had let them down .
23 I thought that in some way I was n't pleasing you .
24 ‘ I know that in some way I 've offended you , ’ she began .
25 He knew that in some way he had hurt her .
26 Earlier today the Secretary of State chided me and said that in some way I was an advocate of his system because I used the example of refuse collection and its cost to show that his system was simple and that we were in agreement on it .
27 She could not guess why or how , but she knew that in some way he was out to drive a wedge between herself and John .
28 The reasons are numerous — the recession , people 's awareness of drink/driving and perhaps a perception that in some way white spirits are healthier !
29 Erm are you saying then that erm you have actually quantified and and related that in some way to the the damage which has been evident through all of the statements from Harrogate Borough Council , to in fact the N Y C C and acknowledged by the N Y C of the environmental impact that this will have .
30 But he told Mr Brown : ‘ You are saying that in some way income-related benefits have to be adjusted for particular price rises that occur .
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