Example sentences of "[conj] be [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 iv Survey the legal and structural arrangements that have been introduced and/or are associated with US/UK high technology defence programmes .
2 ‘ Subject to sections 7 and 8 below , a person who has become a rehabilitated person for the purposes of this Act in respect of a conviction shall be treated for all purposes in law as a person who has not committed or been charged with or prosecuted for or convicted of or sentenced for the offence or offences which were the subject of that conviction ; and , notwithstanding the provisions of any other enactment or rule of law to the contrary , but subject as aforesaid —
3 For a year to count , you must have paid , or been credited with , contributions on earnings of 52 times the Lower Earnings Limit or more .
4 You can get a pension if you are a man of 65 or a woman of 60 , provided you have paid ( or been credited with ) sufficient national insurance contributions .
5 To get the full rate you must have paid ( or been credited with ) NI contributions for roughly nine-tenths of your working life , although widows can also be entitled to a full basic pension on their husband 's contributions .
6 People who 've eaten castor beans or been injected with ricin have died from severe shock
7 The fact that evidence and documents relating to the case had either disappeared or been tampered with and that witnesses had been threatened led members of a US Congressional investigative task force to conclude that the military high command had been controlling the investigation and limiting the number and rank of the officers to be held responsible for the crime .
8 ( 3 ) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions , regard may be had to the previous conduct and activities in business or financial matters of the person in question and , in particular , to any evidence that he has — ( a ) committed an offence involving fraud or other dishonesty or violence ; ( b ) contravened any provision made by or under any enactment appearing to the Bank to be designed for protecting members of the public against financial loss due to dishonesty , incompetence or malpractice … ( c ) engaged in any business practices appearing to the Bank to be deceitful or oppressive or otherwise improper ( whether unlawful or not ) or which otherwise reflect discredit on his method of conducting business ; ( d ) engaged in or been associated with any other business practices or otherwise conducted himself in such a way as to cast doubt on his competence and soundness of judgement .
9 However , the High Court of Justiciary considered the supply of excisable liquor outwith the permitted hours where an extension of the permitted hours had been granted for the sale or supply of alcoholic liquor to persons taking a table meal , and the liquor had been supplied to persons who had not requested or been provided with a meal .
10 Whoever wrote that had never had unpleasant memories to drown , thought Huy , or been confronted with truths too horrible to face .
11 Vogue wheels should not be fitted to earlier Range Rovers unless the wheel studs are marked with a line on the end or are replaced with new ones .
12 Frequently , however , there is also an ingrowth of the sternum near their origin so that they are carried inwards and the whole forms a Y-shaped structure , the furca , whose internal arms may become fused with the pleural arms or are connected with them by short muscles .
13 Having set forth the accepted Turkish tradition concerning the early Muftilik and having reviewed in some detail the lives of the first three Muftis , one may now pass on to a consideration in more general terms of the validity of the tradition and of such important problems as the reasons for the creation of the institution and the nature of the early Muftilik , problems which are either not dealt with at all by Turkish writers or are dealt with only in the vaguest terms .
14 Dona never had to feel the pain , torment or be racked with guilt as Anna did .
15 In order to qualify for the basic pension , men and women must either be full contributors or be credited with contributions for all of their working lives subject to a minimum of full contributions paid for twenty years .
16 At one stage , moviegoers can choose to see the villain plummet from a window , rescue the heroine or be sprayed with Mace attack repellent .
17 Her middle could hold loose goods to 250 cubic metres or be replaced with any one of seventeen styles of container .
18 All interviewers should be carefully briefed on the schedule they are about to use , and wherever possible a ‘ guide to interviewers ’ should accompany , or be incorporated with , the schedule .
19 ( 2 ) The aim of such strategies and struggles is to produce ( or be associated with the production of , in the case of institutions and marketers ) valuable cultural goods .
20 Many of these species also occur in gardens and may , like the mints , survive from former gardens or be introduced with dumped garden refuse .
21 They can be represented vertically , horizontally or be combined with line graphs .
22 Instead they are seen as a complementary qualification which can stand alone or be combined with a certificate and diploma or other building qualification to provide all round evidence of competence .
23 More significant , having demonstrated their contempt for charity , they began to develop their own benefit clubs for mutual protection , among them the " Sailors ' Fund " founded at South Shields in 1798 and intended to aid " those that shall suffer by shipwreck or capture or be afflicted with any sickness , accidental misfortune , infirmity or old age " .
24 As he told the pope , they would either not be read or be read with derision after the arrival of the later letter brought by William of Warelwast :
25 In some places this is quite formal , and you will need to hold a letter of authority or be issued with a licence .
26 The form of the advertisement may either be left to the discretion of the landlord ( or his surveyors ) or be dealt with in the lease .
27 Such companies may receive back the piece-parts for internal assembly or be supplied with the completed article .
28 Others reeked of herbs or were powdered with flour .
29 He found that petty crimes of stealing from work , and the more major crimes of bribery and corruption , often passed unnoticed or were dealt with informally and unofficially by firms .
30 Studies were already available or were published with the support of , or in association with WACC , including those by Peter G Horsfield , Hugo Assman and Stewart Hoover .
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