Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun] his " in BNC.

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1 He must marry when and where the king his father dictates … ’
2 He told her he missed her and his family , and that the prince his brother would shortly be paying him a visit .
3 He also feared the growth of Aminis influence and began to think that the reforms his prime ministers proposed were too extensive .
4 Kypov never complained , never did anything about it , seemed to think that the chiller his office the more masculine and vigorous he was .
5 And Patrick Lundy , then seven years old , never questioned that the man his mother married was not his natural father .
6 A district army commander in a small outpost 10 miles west of Kampot town admitted last month that the mines his troops had planted at the foot of the mountains were designed only partly to defend their position .
7 However , my enthusiasm for authenticism in general and Norrington 's performances in particular should not lead readers to assume that the moment his latest CD goes in the tray I 'm all set to start spraying stars around like confetti .
8 A man had once weighed his daughter in the huge scales used in the port for the cargoes coming off the ships from the East , he had promised that the suitor his daughter chose would take her weight in gold for a dowry , she was so virtuous .
9 The choices he made , and the way his achievements oscillated , show a decided lack of conviction , or perhaps of direction , in his thinking .
10 He watched the man narrowly , not caring for the wariness of his eyes and the way his hands had begun to twitch .
11 We have a narrator who presents us with a plan of his house , obsessively describes the objects therein and the way his wife , always referred to as A … , moves about the rooms and onto the veranda .
12 He describes the despair , the petty irritations and the way his family learned to accept his blindness .
13 He was quite old , Carrie decided , looking at the creases in his pink , cushiony cheeks and the way his hair was going thin at the sides .
14 As he got to know Minton well , Tindle could not help admiring the older man 's flair for living and the way his response was never dense or dead .
15 He wrote that he thought every day of home , the rice and palm trees along the roads and the way his little brothers ran around making enormous noise .
16 And the way his hand was pressed against her back was turning her limbs to pillars of sawdust .
17 She had pondered on it all night — that and the image of his laughing eyes and the way his full , firm lips tipped so readily into that wickedly sexy smile .
18 He wished he had n't spotted it as it made him think of this morning and going round the house in Hill View Road , and the idea his Mum and Dad had about moving .
19 Could it be that he and the king his brother hear Mass at St. Peter ad Vincula , the chapel outside the White Tower ? ’
20 A one year course of critical study of the ideas of Marx , and the movements his thought gave rise to .
21 Last night , he must have done about three grams of the white stuff , plus cognac to stop the shakes , plus not going to bed all night , plus having to behave like a serious grown-up with his trainer and make sure his homes were going to the right races in the right countries at the right time , plus a screaming anxiety attack about his father and Butler and the mess his life was in , plus the horrific combined effects of the morning and the country air .
22 He wanted to read books and the letters his many friends sent him .
23 Perhaps this was why , increasingly , Henry saw life as a struggle between him and the things his wife cared for so passionately — whales , seals , Aborigines , dolphins …
24 Researchers of medieval settlements would do well , perhaps , to regard their scanty documentary references — often only the name and owner of a site at a particular date — in the same way that the Romanist looks at his sherds and the prehistorian his flint scatters .
25 And the havoc his hooligans wrought —
26 The doctor looked up , startled , and the Inspector his face reddening , turned to the sergeant .
27 and the time his friend had crabs
28 There 's a vet like this he 's got a fucking bone in his mouth and the dogs his fucking leg .
29 When Michael saw the happy faces on Christmas Day , the food that seemed inexhaustible and the merriment his gifts had brought , he finally came to terms with himself .
30 He had laughed at the time , but the way his stomach was behaving now , he began to fear they had not been jesting .
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