Example sentences of "[conj] over the year " in BNC.

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1 Each month we take note of your letters and try to redress the balance , hoping that over the year we get it just about right .
2 So that , when cornered , he admitted that over the year he had become affected by simple , inexplicable bouts of fear .
3 I do n't think there was any doubt that over the year we were the best team in Scotland , ’ he said .
4 It is true that over the years a few railway signalmen have been convicted of manslaughter for wrongful acts and omissions leading to fatal train crashes , but there is not the natural resort to the criminal law which is now a feature of road-traffic cases .
5 Mine comes from peaty moorland and the pH is too low with the result that over the years copper pipework corrodes in places , especially at low points .
6 She came to a familiar boulder ; it had fallen where the river met the hollow that over the years had become the pond .
7 Few things are more poignant than a holiday romance , and we 're very happy to say that over the years we 've brought more than a few couples together who are now living happily every after .
8 Despite the fact that over the years America has been Israel 's guardian , both politically and militarily , and continues to give Israel $3 billion-worth of aid annually , that does not stop it from falling victim to Mossad 's activities .
9 Here Gehlen collected up the thousands of spools of microfilm that over the years he had painstakingly amassed as part of his record of Russian intelligence .
10 I have found that over the years we have never had a problem with the Michelin tyres and they offer excellent value for money .
11 An unnamed minister ( probably the Lord President , Lord Salisbury ) , in the absence of control on coloured immigration , spoke of ‘ a real danger that over the years there would be a significant change in the racial character of the English people ’ .
12 It was explained to me that over the years all the planes on the green sward had landed by mistake , assuming that it would be solid enough to allow a take-off .
13 Players on tour are normally paired together as room-mates , a simple organisational expedient that over the years has created an explosive chemistry of scandal and misbehaviour .
14 We must expect , however , that over the years total production from a given turtle population will produce males or females about equally .
15 German influence in East Prussia had been so strong that over the years the southern strip of East Prussia , which was occupied by a large number of ethnic Poles , had become increasingly Germanised .
16 So it seems that over the years pandas have learned to enjoy food which was in great abundance .
17 ‘ I think what I am trying to explain to you , ’ she said , ‘ is that over the years I became so completely cowed and dominated by this monster of an aunt that when she gave me an order , no matter what it was , I obeyed it instantly .
18 I am quite sure that over the years he saved the company substantial legal costs ! ’
19 The Smith family are everywhere , of course , so it is no surprise that over the years more Smiths have been dismissed by Smiths in Test cricket than any other self-destructing name .
20 I shall not enter into a detailed discussion of this Labour government , its programme and effects , but it should be noted that over the years to 1951 , as more and more of the party 's electoral pledges were realised , there occurred what is often interpreted as a ‘ weakening of commitment ’ of both party and people to ‘ socialism ’ , and a progressive exhaustion of the political impetus for social and economic change .
21 If it could be shown that over the years there had been a major redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor , this would indicate a reduction in class inequalities .
22 In this last named authority , relied upon by Mr. Reynolds in support of his contentions as to the true interpretation of the word ‘ office , ’ it is noteworthy that Lord Wilberforce , at p. 860 , commented that over the years words of ordinary meaning had acquired , in the context of tax legislation , a signification coloured by legal construction in a technical context , and that return to the pure source of common parlance was no longer possible .
23 It almost goes without saying that over the years no single topic in agriculture has succeeded in raising passions more .
24 Then I realized that over the years the white wedding dress had become yellow , and the flowers in her hair had died , and the bride inside the dress had grown old .
25 He said that Sabine Jourdain had always worked on the paintings with her maître and that over the years the amount she did varied .
26 I 'm sure that over the years , you 'll have er , gone through some of the experiences that Madeline and I have been talking about over the last five minutes .
27 Congress will recall that over the years I 've made references to the close working relationship , which was developing between G M B and our German colleagues .
28 Using the most fundamental measure of poverty , the " breadline " , Professor Hay has estimated that over the years 1760 to 1802 in a normal year around 10 per cent of Staffordshire families would have been unable to buy sufficient bread over the year even if they had spent their whole earnings on it .
29 And also state that over the years er your father used to run the business done hundreds of jobs for Avon Insurance at , and er also you yourself have done jobs for Avon Insurance before who have never ever had any trouble whatever so ever !
30 And we 've not had I I must say that over the years I might have had two cases perhaps when there 's been a query with regard to that in terms of packing .
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