Example sentences of "[conj] over [det] years " in BNC.

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1 Many argue that pensions represent a social contract between each generation and its children , whose terms are hard to alter except over many years .
2 For example , we all know that productivity growth in the UK has been inferior to West Germany 's over the post-war decades ; that product development has been behind that of Japan ; and that over many years the rates of growth of South Korea , Italy and East Germany were higher than the United Kingdom 's .
3 Although a skilled fisherman , George Trowark became renowned as a knitter and over many years and many voyages he accumulated detailed notes of designs and patterns .
4 Ella , who has provided much sterling work towards the infant GCR , and over many years since , celebrated her birthday on board the 15.00 hours departure from Loughborough Central on Saturday , July 4 , along with many of the ‘ grass-roots ’ of the membership , of Main Line Steam Trust , who had specially provided a cake , complete with candles , and many cards signed by well-wishers of the railway .
5 But recent research shows that the ‘ constant ’ changes by a fraction of a per cent , both over a period of weeks and over several years .
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