Example sentences of "[conj] three [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That 's two up , that 's two up at er two or three up at , or .
2 The reasonable ambition is to win and keep two out of three , two or three out of four , and two , three or exceptionally four out of five .
3 Two or three out of every ten who came to live in south London were north Londoners who had merely crossed the river , but of course they themselves may have been second generation immigrants to the capital .
4 The following night , I was speaking at a transport dinner in London and found myself sitting two or three down from a general .
5 The second problem was the influx of men trying to enter the ministry by the end of the century ; if we look at ministers actively engaged in church work in 1901 we see that three out of every ten Primitive Methodists , four out of every ten Wesleyans , five out of every ten Congregationalists and seven out of every ten Baptists had entered the ministry in the 1890s .
6 The survey also found that three out of five companies use contract hire because of ease of administration , while , for outright purchase , three in 10 gave this reason .
7 ICI says that three out of 10 of its graduate intake over the past three years ( a total of about 300 ) have been female .
8 Statistics show that three out of four carers are women — and most of the remaining twenty-five per cent who are men are caring for a wife rather than a parent .
9 His reasons are unclear , though he did say that three out of the recently rescued ‘ Bangkok Six ’ orang-utans ( all weak and traumatised babies ) had died at the Tanjung Puting centre .
10 The federation had asked to meet the council after a local sample survey showed that three out of five school children did not know the name of their townland .
11 In all , more than three out of five older women were living in or on the margins of poverty .
12 Sandhurst , which has performed dreadfully under Tootal 's control , made a £2m loss up to the point when WH Smith was persuaded to buy it , and three out of the four ongoing Tootal businesses showed disappointing results .
13 But the study was carried out at a time of economic expansion and three out of four of the firms had experienced growth in the year prior to the study .
14 In this connection it is relevant to note that 84 per cent of the sample had consumed alcohol prior to the commission of their current offences and three out of four of the convictions for previous offences had been drink-related .
15 Ribs were broken up and mostly lost , vertebrae had all their processes removed and three out of nine lost , pelves were reduced to the region of the acetabulum and one damaged beyond recognition , and five out of twelve phalanges and metapodials remained .
16 In the three-year period 1969 — 71 , then , three out of ten dailies and three out of seven Sundays changed ownership or status .
17 The claimants were nearly always women , and three out of four of them had dependent children .
18 Sic developed fistulas and three out of 10 have had their pouch excised .
19 As late as 1977 the biggest five firms in aerospace , office equipment ( including computers ) , scientific and photographic equipment were still American , as were the biggest four in paper and wood , the biggest three in vehicles , the biggest two in electronics and rubber , and three out of the biggest five in petroleum , industrial equipment and food .
20 There 's thirteen and three back from that one .
21 Additionally , a presumptive positive result was recorded for any sample if three out of four of the sections examined were positive for the IS 6110 polymerase chain reaction .
22 CTL were detected to none of the peptides from the three sporozoite antigens , but three out of six individuals tested responded to the ls6 peptide from LSA-1 ( Fig. 2 ) .
23 I say encourage because three out of four dissatisfied customers simply go away disgruntled — having concluded that it is not worth complaining .
24 When monkeys were offered hundreds of different kinds of insects , many brightly coloured and many others with dull patterns and colours , only one in five of the bright ones were eaten , while three out of four of the dull ones were eagerly gobbled up .
25 Hoteliers say that while three out of four secretive romantics still register as Smith , one in six now use the name Major .
26 As much as three up after 11 holes the Spaniards lost both the 12th and 13th to pars but held themselves together coming down the stretch to win a priceless point .
27 In many Third World countries as many as three out of five children die before the age of five .
28 At the same time not only was there another G number but it was the same make of car as the last five G numbers had been and it was the same colour as three out of the last ten cars that had passed the other way .
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