Example sentences of "[conj] even [subord] their " in BNC.

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1 Parents take comfort in the fact that even though their children are egging men on to beat the hell out of each other , it is all in the cause of good triumphing over evil .
2 The eyes held a strange expression , and he guessed that even though their gaze was directed towards you their owner 's mind was on something entirely different .
3 And to try to create jobs for the women so that even if their men are out of work they can provide at least some income .
4 Then a curious thing happened — England suddenly began to win , with nine of the next ten meetings going their way , and even while their Test form was wretched somehow turned themselves into perhaps the best one-day side in the world .
5 This only reinforces the unwillingness of free-swimming whales to leave their comrades , and even after their companions had died the free whales stayed , and only too often fell victim themselves .
6 On the other hand , conquest and the growth of empires have created larger political units , and even after their dissolution may leave behind as a more enduring residue some elements of a distinctive civilization , in such forms as Roman law or British parliamentary democracy .
7 James Molyneaux and the Rev Ian Paisley have already set this deadline for the resumption of talks and even as their two parties vigorously fought each other in several constituencies , joint working groups were in session drawing up vital working papers for the forthcoming negotiations .
8 The churches were usually brick built , and even when their walls did not crack and warp under the impact of the process , there remains , according to Romanian architects , the threat that their very bricks could crumble within a few years .
9 Only 5 per cent said interest rate was the most important factor , and even when their second and third choice factors were added in , only 19 per cent gave any importance to interest rates .
10 He segregates figures from their background normally , even when they appear on his left ( our first study ) , and even when their segregation depends on vertical symmetry ( our second study ) which requires that both the right and left sides of these figures are represented .
11 Their economies are failing and even if their players become wealthy by staying at home , there is not a lot for them to buy .
12 , And even if their defence lacks the stability of United 's , Walker 's ’ realistic ’ aim of earning a place in Europe , is not beyond them .
13 And even if their mother tongues are unrelated , the problems faced by the native English speaker will not necessarily by the same as those faced by the native French speaker , for instance .
14 Few teachers are appointed for only one of the three tasks and even if their hands are full with teaching or with a senior teacher 's responsibilities or a large clutch of pastoral duties in their early days , they will know from the head what kind of organization they are joining .
15 So far the Israelis have resisted the provocations , and maybe the alliance could stand it if even if their forbearance fails .
16 These men did not describe themselves as Zuwayi hurr , but even though their activities were largely circumscribed by their police work , they maintained some activities which were typical of a free Zuwaya .
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