Example sentences of "[conj] our [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 For the majority of us , the ‘ Swinging Sixties ’ is a decade only experienced through our history textbooks , or our parents ' all too frequent reminiscences .
2 This structure will also show that our members ' contributions are spent in an acceptive and efficient manner .
3 What is more , he has a social conscience , and as a result of his persuasion I intend to see that our labourers ' cottages have better sanitation . ’
4 The team effort involved in achieving that goal has been mammoth , with sales , service , administration and management all now pulling together to ensure that our customers ' needs have been met , in spite of the tremendous upheaval involved .
5 Most of us prefer to watch Dallas than our neighbours ' home-movies , because , when it comes down to it , we know that truth is generally a lot duller than fiction .
6 For although our nights ' experiences were equally shared and celebrated , our days were incongruent .
7 Yorkshire Electricity , which also wanted to ‘ share the results of our good performance between our shareholders and our customers ' , reported first half profit before tax up 28% to £42.5m and announced a rebate for tariff customers of £5 each .
8 Omar and our neighbours ' driver decided to go and view the spectacle .
9 And our Brides ' Day was a sellout , so we 'll be running another one soon .
10 It is true that a comparison of the generally accepted life-expectancy figures between the West and the Third World countries , or a comparison between ourselves and our grandparents ' generation , would show that modern Western man has a great advantage in average expectation of life .
11 Our lives have been the same as our fathers ' and their fathers ' before them .
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