Example sentences of "[conj] because they have " in BNC.

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1 It was clearly foreseen , though not stated , that these would be drawn mainly from the workhouses , either because the relatives of the dead could not pay for interment , or because they had not been notified of death .
2 However , this did not suggest that they became pregnant by default or because they had nothing else to do , rather motherhood was a central focus of their lives ( Phoenix , 1987 ) .
3 When proprietors sold , at any stage , whether antici-pating amalgamation ( like the News Chronicle and Daily Mail ) or a continuing future , they did so because of flagging interest or energy , or because they had not the resources to turn round a weak paper in an increasingly competitive market .
4 Or because they had specific reasons ?
5 I asked , wondering if they 'd been angry on behalf of Ban Bhāi because Chola and the other women had n't waited for his permission , or because they 'd cheated , sneaking out first and grabbing all the pine-needles at the edge of the forest without having to climb at all .
6 All too often students have difficulty or fail in their learning because they have an imperfect grasp of some concept , or because they have not learned some particular skill .
7 I can not imagine why yours have started so quickly , unless they are older than they look — they may have been kept in conditions where they have not grown on , due to overcrowding , or because they have been left with their parents for too long .
8 Perhaps teachers teach badly out of habit , it is ventured , or because they have never learned the skills of mixed-ability work in training .
9 Members may be attracted because the group offers the opportunity for affiliation , recognition or security , or because the goals are significant to the individuals , or because they have expectations that the group will satisfy their personal goals and motives .
10 Some of the entries in the archive are marked as being obsolete , either because they represent Supplement entries which have been incorporated into earlier OED entries , or because they have been discarded by lexicographers and are not to be included in the New OED .
11 Is this because they never had them or because they have lost them ?
12 The referendum or plebiscite is a device viewed with suspicion in some quarters , largely because they have often been used to ratify or endorse decisions already taken or policies already embarked on , as was the case with Britain 's entry into the EEC , or because they have been staged , and the issue presented , in such a way as to produce the outcome wanted by the government which initiates them .
13 Only the gorilla is particularly close to us in evolutionary terms ( though all of the top 10 animals are mammals ) , but many of the other favourites are distinctly humanoid in appearance , either because they sometimes stand upright , such as otters and polar bears , or because they have vaguely human-like faces .
14 Things exist either because they have recently come into existence or because they have qualities that made them unlikely to be destroyed in the past .
15 Other fluids are sometimes used because they give better values of the governing parameters or because they have properties particularly appropriate to an experiment .
16 When the public respond to your advertisements or because they have heard that you do personal injury work , it is not enough just to tell them that you do and expect them to come into the office .
17 I think that 's true what Yona says you know it it is Cos you know I the sort of the political people of the town tend to be councillors who are er men mainly and set in their ways and think that because they 've got the label councillor behind you know b front of their name that they 're they are for life you know it 's And they 're sort of respectable inverted commas members of the community and you know and I mean I hope that out of out of all this I mean it 's it 's a shame it has to happen in such a desperate situation you know because I mean none of us can really feel glad that Because to be on strike is I mean each day is is hard I 'm sure for well I mean I can only say because to be close to people on strike it 's quite a unique thing really for me and i you become so involved and close to people and you realize how hard it is for them .
18 What will happen is that the magistrates will judge if someone 's found guilty , that because they 've committed the offence , that they deserve to be fined so many units .
19 But I did it through the love , fo , that I had for the couple , and that because they had waited sixteen year before they eventually found out they could n't have children !
20 The justice ministry said yesterday , however , that because they had been held for more than two years without trial , they were released .
21 Most of the scriptures are all out , out to achieve that because they had to acha achieve perfection at the end of the day did n't they ?
22 They discover things that because they have a power for good have an equal power for bad — one ca n't exist without the other — and then say , ‘ Here it is , do what you like with it .
23 Perhaps Upton people are right to say that because they have a tremendous history .
24 So you 're saying that because they have these names , their probably is an equation .
25 Sometimes older people do not use a service , because it does not suit their inclination or purse rather than because they have no access to it .
26 In fact , skin specialists say they see more patients who are suffering the effects of overdoing cleansing rather than because they have not cleansed enough .
27 What she 'd had was a double-booking , effectively , cos she 'd had this dinner which was meant to be in the private dining hall , but the numbers had suddenly shot up , and because they 'd said originally they wanted either the private dining hall or the main dining hall depending on numbers , she should have really booked them both and decided later and told me to like try somewhere else , but she did n't , she told me yeah the dining hall 's free .
28 And because they had a stupid name and a fat bastard with glasses for a singer .
29 The Hungarians had good reason to feel aggrieved , particularly when , despite papal guarantees , the crusaders destroyed Zara in 1204 , and because they had remained firm in their support , together with the neighbouring king of Bohemia , for Otto of Brunswick .
30 And because they had the money , they were n't interested , a lot of them were n't interested , yes .
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