Example sentences of "[conj] one which [is] " in BNC.

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1 A product where the dosage must be finely calculated arithmetically from the instruction data provided to arrive at the quantity of product needed required more thought and more decisions than a product dispensed semi-automatically via a dispenser or one which is supplied ready for use .
2 A stuffy atmosphere , or one which is artificially heated , air-conditioned and lit , produces lethargy and depression .
3 Pick up any book ( not a children 's book or one which is highly technical or full of pictures ) and open it where you have two complete pages of text .
4 Would I be prepared to take less money for doing a ‘ caring ’ job or one which is very creative ?
5 Being essentially a bog plant , it requires a muddy bottom , or one which is rich in organic matter .
6 If you have a smoky chimney or one which is not working properly ( even after having the chimney swept ) , ti would be a good idea to call in a chimney specialist to diagnose the problem and recommend the cure .
7 In this way , a tendency which is real but slight may become exaggerated ; or one which is not real may come into being .
8 ‘ The pail feels empty ’ and ‘ The woods sound inhabited ’ do not imply that there is an appearance which is empty or one which is inhabited ; ‘ The curtains appear green ’ does not imply that there is an appearance — or way of appearing — which is green .
9 He made an error of judgement , albeit one which is understandable , when he pumped additional liquidity into the system following the stock market crash of October 1987 .
10 Cooke is not explicitly trying to resolve structure-action tensions but the approach he adopts implies a resolution , albeit one which is essentially historicist .
11 These safeguards are framed in an adjudicative fashion , albeit one which is significantly modified to take account of the circumstances .
12 ‘ If a folder has a lot of stuff in it , it sounds bigger than one which is fairly small .
13 By the same token the continuous or intermittent discharge will concern an officer much more than one which is only occasionally made .
14 Where employees have a rooted substantive knowledge of what they are doing , rather than one which is simply a certified mastery of some abstract occupational or analytical techniques , then the institutional conditions appear to be most appropriate for such an achievement .
15 Thus a local government department offering central support services such as the Training Department may require a different structure than one which is decentralised and based around service provision .
16 A currency which gradually adjusts up or down over a period of time , depending on the intrinsic strength of the economy which supports it , is much less likely to attract the eye of the speculator than one which is about to burst the artificial dam which has been built around it .
17 It was not a sway to worry Stevely , for he has always reckoned that it is very much easier to work on a swaying swing than one which is inhibited .
18 They regard the article as being primarily an attack on the Prime Minister , and one which is improper almost to the point of being constitutional .
19 This is an important aspect of citizenship and one which is recognised by those advocating ‘ active citizenship ’ in various forms .
20 Another strategy — and one which is proving to be very popular in schools with a history of open decision-making — is for the governing body to establish a structure of sub-committees which bring together LEA governors , parent-governors , teacher-governors , co-opted governors , the headteacher and teachers in the making of decisions .
21 It is a very exciting challenge and one which is long overdue .
22 For the hazard he now claims to recognise is essentially that which several of us have been patiently trying to explain to psychiatrists and others for the past twelve years or so and one which is now officially acknowledged in several overseas countries .
23 The dismissal of hypochondria by most doctors is a relatively new attitude , and one which is lamented by those that have studied this disorder .
24 Salmonella is one of the most widely talked of hazards , and one which is most certainly on the increase : between 1983 and 1988 , the number of reports by British laboratories of salmonella infection more than doubled .
25 Sometimes the source of the noise is a Pistol Shrimp ( Synalpheus species ) , another common accidental introduction , and one which is quite harmless .
26 Electric guitar spraying is carried out using robot spraying equipment ; this is the most accurate and paint-conserving method of finishing , and one which is prominent in the motor industry .
27 These are a powerful way of ‘ talking ’ with your subconscious , since it deals much more readily with symbols and images than with words , and does not distinguish between a ‘ real ’ experience and one which is vividly imagined .
28 ‘ A competition designed to replace the old final trial and one which is supposed to produce the national squad , ’ he said .
29 This is , in fact , real editing in camera , and when you have become accustomed to the routine you will find that it makes all the difference between a good movie and one which is tedious and irritating to watch .
30 It displays one of the foremost characteristics of gritstone climbing , and one which is by no means confined to Froggatt : namely a dearth of protection ! .
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