Example sentences of "[conj] give them [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The best defence for our colonies , as well as for our coasts , ’ he had argued the previous year , ‘ is to have a squadron always to the westward … [ which ] may in all probability either keep the French in port , or give them battle with advantage if they come out . ’
2 Now of course from the special school point of view they will say well many efforts are made to attempt to bring community life into the school and to have children erm or give them experiences in the community , so that you provide both a sheltered environment and also the opportunity to learn in the wider community , and this debate is something of a dilemma erm I do n't know that any body can give a definite answer to it .
3 He did not hand out sayings of Jesus in a little red book , or give them Christmas presents .
4 I do n't think it 's necessarily about teaching er children primarily about sex or about sexual pleasure , I think it 's all , initially , about personal hygiene and then developing that into how they can make their life safer for themself , or giving them choices to say , well I can choose to become pregnant or not to become pregnant and , I think it 's more about choices rather than saying orgasms and erm sexual pleasure , or
5 I caught myself shouting at people or giving them lectures about elementary things like the importance of oiling their bikes ( I later discovered that oiling bikes in dusty regions wears out the moving parts rather than preserving them ) .
6 The leader either numbers each pair or gives them names such as apple , banana , cake , or other fruit .
7 In an organization , they may rarely come to the attention of a predominantly male management in ways that give them power and encouragement .
8 What else could lead researchers to test the ultimate laws of nature with machines bigger than the ancient state of Athens , or to seek to live in space , cast adrift from the world that gave them birth ?
9 The will that gave them title had been written on a torn-out page of a 1938 diary , the only paper available when the family learnt of their imminent fate in the gas chamber .
10 You remember those things : they littered the creeks and bywaters of harbours , slowly returning to nature , back to the trees and minerals that gave them life .
11 There was no one in the office , the entire sales team having discovered important appointments that gave them excuses to sneak off home and start the weekend early .
12 Is it belief that gives them reality ?
13 The team had chosen one stone each , the stone that most resembled them , and given them nicknames .
14 ‘ We have now allocated five new frequencies to BR and given them access to two others . ’
15 It was still dark and cold , so , to raise their spirits , they sang a hymn to the sun-god , the great Daybog , calling on him to rise and give them warmth and light .
16 Erm we do try and be nice to them we do try and give them presents occasionally like little , you may have seen some of them wearing little lions head badges which er are part of the arms of William that we had made .
17 God 's ruach , his breath , could infuse new life into dry bones ; God 's ruach , his Spirit , could bring the people of Israel out of their graves , and give them life .
18 Usually I start in my bedroom and I like to get to the top of the stairs by the baby 's lunchtime , and then I stop and give them lunch and then I carry on and get on quite well .
19 We will go out against the Moors and give them battle , and God who hath thus far shown favour unto us will still continue to be our helper .
20 ‘ Perhaps I will phone the National Front and give them Changez 's name , eh ?
21 The leisure and hospitality industry can offer a wide range of careers which can develop individuals and give them qualities which can be applied to many different business disciplines .
22 I have a solicitor in England who will reply to them and give them instructions . ’
23 Some days Ariel carried the hooped Sycorax on her back ( she would not ride on anyone else ) down to the shore and into the water , and held her up under the arms so that she could let her contorted frame float free ; small currents spun in the water as if to ease her , and the sky 's blue height seemed to catch them up into its soft vastness and give them fins and wings to fly and swoop , so that they both felt airier and brighter than they had since their freedom had come to an end , and the memory of their former peace returned for a space .
24 They do some activities downstairs — they take some of the old ladies and give them bits of painting and that sort of thing , but nothing I 'm interested in .
25 The mustard seed produces a shrub about eight to ten feet tall , with branches strong enough to support birds and give them shelter .
26 This was a moving platform which carried trams sideways and give them access to the rows of workshops which were built alongside .
27 With more express items carrying the same design , it will be easier for all countries throughout the world to recognise them and give them priority treatment .
28 There is a danger in letting the drama become too real for young children ; we do n't want the dragons and giants of the drama to follow them home and give them nightmares .
29 She detailed Amy to take them into the interview room and give them tea and stay with them , and she and Ben went alongside the trolley into Resus .
30 That 's why , when people do n't , we call them heroes and give them medals .
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