Example sentences of "[conj] give he [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Troilus has nothing which is obviously valuable to defend or give him guidance .
2 Nothing could shake his calm or give him pause .
3 The Aragonese were politely told by Edward ( in January 1283 ) that ‘ we are bound by kinship and by homage to the king of France , nor does it behove us to rebel against him in any way , nor to do anything to arouse his anger nor give him offence ’ .
4 At the Stella Artois Grass Court Championships , he showed once again , that give him grass , a ‘ bat ’ , and he is surely the best striker of a ball in the world .
5 I 'm sure it was that give him trouble .
6 Most people had come to understand the danger posed by Hitler 's Germany ; but they decided to delude themselves into believing that giving him Austria and Czechoslovakia would buy him off .
7 Some of the smokers were aware of his campaign against passive smoking — the kind that gave him cancer in smoke-tarred clubs .
8 Belonging here defined him , made him free to wander , because here he had roots to return to , an anchor that gave him stability and a sense of permanence .
9 It was this last that gave him pause , for , he was to say , ‘ Although I had no knowledge of it — that place where the Twelve Judges sit — I believed that I had long since dreamed it , and I knew it for a place of great finality and immense power .
10 There was a purposeful look now in her eyes that gave him pause .
11 In the end it was the regular-footer Elkerton 's ability to hit for six every type of wave — leg-breaks , off-breaks , googlies , head-severing bouncers — that the Pacific could bowl at him that gave him supremacy .
12 It drifted and swirled about him , making him peaceful and tired , until his sense of loss began to go and the night was no longer awesome , for he had the protection of a Callanish eagle near him , and that gave him peace to rest and sleep at last …
13 There must have been something about Sir Paul that gave him confidence .
14 One member , Bill Corless , particularly liked the exercises that gave him suppleness and flow .
15 His talents were demonstrated through a system that gave him opportunities and brought out the best in him .
16 Well that gives him indigestion .
17 And I have asked him in and I have fed him and given him milk and wine and a share of the fire !
18 That is something we have chatted about and given him guidance on .
19 To begin with Robin used Amazon Swords , Water Wisteria , Java Fern and Pygmy Chain Swords , as these are quite hardy plants which should thrive and give him confidence to try some other kinds later on .
20 Rachaela said firmly to the impatient pub man , ‘ Would you be very kind and give him directions ? ’
21 A farm-worker who lived in the house would stable him and give him water and a handful of hay .
22 I was depending on Francesca to look after Thornton , and give him lunch and introduce him around , since she 'll be working with him . ’
23 But he might expect you to trust your estuary lands more than you should , and give him battle west of Dunedin where he would have you between his ships and his army .
24 If the message contains the word ‘ Secure ’ , that means the words following make up the introductory identification of someone who will contact him and give him orders .
25 If it 's gon na plague him and give him trouble let's get it sorted out this year , even if it means that he has a little bit of temporary deafness for a little while , you know ?
26 I tried to help him with his schedule and give him advice on exam technique .
27 Mrs Wood has found that John can be distracted from this early morning behaviour by food , so that when she wakes up at about 7.30am she can put on the TV for him ( he likes the advertisements for toys ) and give him crisps , peanuts and a tin of Coke .
28 I like to make to Mr Hopkin is private citizen a small gift of Frenloudji book , which is the only abject in my possession and to give him handshake for last time .
29 There was no question of MacDonald following Bonar Law 's example and giving him Chequers .
30 I held up my hand very much in the manner of Salvius the tribune greeting Glabriolix the slave and giving him news of the Emperor 's dog , Pertinax .
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