Example sentences of "[conj] come [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This can include a reluctance to ask them to visit , or to come for a meal and even the fear , felt by some women , that a grieving woman may attract their own husbands .
2 From our point of view we 're not in the position and it would be totally wrong of us actually to try in public to deal with those or to come to a specific conclusion about any particular proposal .
3 ‘ Mortmain' , or dead hand , refers to the fact that the church was an undying institution so that any land which it held in fee ( or freehold ) was never vacated by the death of its owner or came into the possession of a minor or an heiress ; thus it would never revert ( or escheat ) to the chief lord for the duration of the vacancy or minority , so depriving him of the valuable rights of wardship and marriage appertaining to feudal tenure .
4 was at the meeting or came into the meeting to explain about the schemes .
5 It seems to me that it is impossible to say that in carrying out that exercise he misdirected himself or came to a conclusion to which he could not reasonably have come in the exercise of his discretion .
6 He could tell she was upset by the words she used : bad words he had often heard from the men who worked with the pigs or came to the house to drink with Buddie in the music-room .
7 Its purpose is chiefly to add entries for new words and new meanings of words : ‘ new ’ implying that they came into existence , or came to the attention of scholars , after the relevant part of OED was published , and therefore could not be inserted in the main work .
8 Women were referred to the clinic by a gynaecologist or other specialist ( 302 , 61% ) or by a general practitioner ( 101 , 20% ) or came to the clinic on their own initiative ( 85 , 17% ) .
9 So many of them were interrelated or came from the same Sardinian village that all of them , with or without a record , could usually tell him something if they would .
10 Much of the initial cost of setting up the campaign was covered either by various committee members somehow doing things for free or came from the remainder of the money raised at the Comedy Store .
11 The remainder of the bureau questioned , around 20% , either had no traditional typesetting or printing background at all or came from the computer services sector .
12 ( I was determined to combat in advance any risk of being taken over by G(R) , the Middle East equivalent of S.O.E. , which was already showing signs of being the monstrous and inefficient octopus it later became ; or coming under the control of the Director of Combined Operations . )
13 The current site was built in 1860 for livestock walking into the market or coming off the train .
14 She had no memory of closing the Lab door or coming down the stairs .
15 Other than luck — winning the football pools or coming into a legacy — there are three main possibilities for providing you with extra money : your home , work and investment skill .
16 In London , the community , Bob Colenutt suggests , was never even considered , yet even when , as in the case of Pittsburgh , community involvement is statutory , the outcomes may be only to amplify those within the community ( or coming into the community ) with the greatest resources and power to exploit the local political system .
17 or coming around the corner on his tractor
18 Under the 1978 Act , which incorporates the terms of the Redundancy Payments Act 1965 , redundancy may arise if the work needed to be done by an employee gets less or becomes unnecessary ( in changed economic conditions ) or is expected to diminish or come to an end .
19 He defended himself vigorously in a series of letters , protesting — in this case to the journalist William Archer — that ‘ The very last charges I expected them to bring against a book concerned merely with the doom of hereditary temperament & unsuitable mating in marriage were that it was an attack on marriage in general , that it was immoral , & that characters who recant their opinions & come to a sad end were puppets invented to express my personal views in their talk . ’
20 In the midst of the global gene drain , more than 1,000 small family seed houses have either been bought out or come under the control of some of the world 's largest chemical companies .
21 The County Council has never at any time considered a paper or come to a conclusion erm on the preferred general location for the new settlement .
22 Whether you live in Northamptonshire or come to the area as a visitor , for business or leisure , the expertise of the County 's Tourist Guides will help you get to know this varied County better , and even help you find out more about the areas you thought you knew .
23 My husband George is a parson so I meet many of the people who telephone or come to the Vicarage .
24 If you feel you would like to join in one of the training days , held at present in Horley , Surrey on or come to the Green Park Residential weekend 10.12 Nov. we will be delighted to welcome you , so , please give me a ring .
25 However , as I indicated , any particular knives that enter the country or come on the market will be examined to establish whether they can properly and effectively be added to the controlled list .
26 And if either mum likes to phone in , or come into the office tomorrow , by tomorrow you 'll know what we can do , or if we 're gon na do anything to help you .
27 If they can not pay the bill they must rely on the services provided voluntarily by solicitors and barristers ; or a law centre ; or come within the statutory advice scheme ; or use another agency ; or do without .
28 Have your tea , then you can either go up to the nursery and play or come in the kitchen with me and help me make a pie , whichever you like . ’
29 Respect for human rights and minorities and , in particular , respect for those who speak minority languages or come from a minority ethnic group is an important matter .
30 Their seeds had remained dormant underground for years or come from a few surviving specimens .
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