Example sentences of "[conj] then he find " in BNC.

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1 Working alongside other pioneers he was first spontaneously discovering new possibilities in camera technique and then he found that he could equally spontaneously draw on his experiences and his own values .
2 He hoped to convert it into a photographic studio — and then he found that there was not a single pane of glass left , and the rain had got in .
3 She heard him fumbling about looking for the lamp switch and then he found it .
4 The number rang once and then he found himself listening to a conversation .
5 And then he found it .
6 erm and then he found out he would n't it 's a good job because he could n't have done
7 and then he found it , stuffed down the bottom , so he do n't know what he does with it
8 Well , it turned out he used to be a ‘ pretty successful writer ’ , but then he found he was just getting into ‘ things that were too weird . ’
9 For a second it seemed that he would be unable to respond , but then he found his voice .
10 First , he identified the foundations of the tenth-century cathedral of Saint Lambert and of its Gothic successor , but then he found an extensive second- to third-century AD Roman villa .
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