Example sentences of "[conj] then find [that] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't want to work hard for a year establishing your act , get offered a tour , and then find that your drummer wo n't give up his milk round .
2 After a few hits most brag that they can compete ( Britain 's Goldcrest is a famous example ) and then find that one big failure ( ‘ Revolution ’ ) destroys them .
3 I much prefer to find my own swims , not because I think I can find better swims than anyone else , but because I get a great deal of satisfaction from being able to study a piece of water , select a swim as a likely chub haunt , and then find that I am right .
4 It is often the sudden availability of time that allows women to develop their talents at last — and then find that other people want to pay them for their work !
5 There is nothing more frustrating for a President to issue an order to a Cabinet officer , and then find that , when the order gets out in the field , it is totally mutilated . ’
6 ‘ But you would n't want to pay one gang and then find that they 'd sold your father to another , would you ? ’
7 ‘ We thought it was stupid for him to fly all the way back to the UK and then find that we had a problem with Jones , ’ said Lions ' manager Geoff Cooke .
8 ‘ We thought it was stupid for him to fly all the way back to the UK and then find that we had a problem with Jones , ’ said Lions ' manager Geoff Cooke .
9 ‘ I thought I was out , but played to two shots from out of my backside , and then found that I was in , ’ he said .
10 With judicious use of hot water , I enjoyed four cups of tea , and then found that the rain had stopped .
11 He did not arrive there until 2nd January , 1692 , outwith the time allowed for the oath , and then found that the Sheriff-Depute who was empowered to accept his vow of allegiance was absent .
12 They had used the police in the political struggle and then found that the police were no longer reliable .
13 They had backed up huge demands for cost of living allowances and then found that they had to find the money .
14 And so , it goes beyond the actual molecular stage if you can have this compound in crystallised form , as you can most though you might have to reduce the temperature or whatever , but then all is gone gone crystalline eventually you 'll find their crystals are also mirror images and what he actually did , he painstakingly picked out crystals which were of one particular shape as opposed to the other , he actually separated all the crystals physically by using tweezers and then found that they ha , you know , the two had a different affect on plane polarised light .
15 ‘ Great , ’ he reiterated , ‘ sampled a bit of the local night-life , lost a few francs at the gambling tables , and then found that we could n't drag ourselves away from each other , so we spent the night in a hotel . ’
16 Local authorities had their fingers burnt before when they tried to get the software up and running and then found that the Government were changing the rules .
17 My Lord erm just to sweep up one or two of the other , very briefly the points my learned friend has just raised , erm I , I think it follows that our provisional position at the moment is that we think that reference is probably more satisfactory than simply going to the commission , what went , if your Lordship went to the commission and then found that they were unsatisfactory or did n't really take matters further , for one of the reasons it might very well not , is because the original complaint put to the commission was not framed in the same way as the defence and counterclaim are now framed , er there 's been a very considerable amount of refinement , both parties would no doubt wish to put submissions into the commission as to how the answer should be put or to provide information so the commission can answer them and so on and so forth and it may not be any quicker doing it that way
18 She pushed her mistake to the back of her mind — and then found that , although the question was on her list , that she was asking off her own bat , and with no thought to that list , ‘ Are you married ? ’
19 Sun Microsystems Inc has been under withering fire for the past year or so from companies seduced into trying to build machines compatible with Sun 's own — and then finding that the company artfully withholds all the best bits for itself .
20 Now it 's true that since the second world war all wars have been limited in one sense or another , but then comes the question , if you do , in fact , succeed in defining objectives er and de in defining the means to those objectives , how can you know in fact that you possess genuine capability without putting it to the test , without actually fighting the war and then finding that you can not win it ?
21 So if unemployment benefit is suspended and erm another circumstance which might arise is somebody expects to receive unemployment benefit and then finds that they 're not entitled to it .
22 In my experience , children find it extremely frustrating to be fired with enthusiasm for a topic but then to find that they simply do not have the skill to express themselves .
23 MacCabe and company had assumed that their location work would prove more than adequate to meet the quota , but then found that they were obliged to do all their processing and post-production work in Hamburg , too -a doubly inconvenient requirement since the local labs are not used to working nearly so quickly as their counterparts in London .
24 The bee enters the flower to collect the nectar , pollinating it in the process , but then finds that it can only escape from the flower by crawling along a narrow , tortuous channel .
25 People naturally assume that a contractor employed by the Housing Executive is the firm to get , but then find that the contractor is not warranted .
26 He says that some children ask , but then find that their headmaster refuses !
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