Example sentences of "[conj] then [noun] said " in BNC.

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1 I heard them arguing with each other , and then Detchard said to the Belgian , ‘ Why , Bersonin , are you afraid of one man ? ’
2 ‘ Goodnight , Mother , ’ and then Boy said ( for the very first time ) : ‘ Goodnight , Mother . ’
3 And then Sam said , Oh well me mother will have to come .
4 John entertained Maggie and Nevil with tales of the show until Laura returned , and then Maggie said , ‘ I have some news .
5 His a terrible , so we did n't go near him right through on the playing field , and then Katherine , I found to get , I sat , found a way to get them near Matthew and then Katherine said , I tickled him on the back , and I 'd kept on doing that . .
6 I said , oh I lo I love it , I lo , I said I know it sounds awful thought no more and then Shirley said to me when she 'd gone she said , she came up to me one day she said I wish to God he 'd stop that bloody noise , this time !
7 There was a silence , and then Rosie said huskily , ‘ Dear God , what a thing to ask .
8 And then Bob said Jamaica I said , yeah that 'll do !
9 We were o on and I thought , no way , and then Marianne said , no , it 's ju , she said , that 's too much , we 'll be , and like , erm , , we 'll knock off er , five hundred words of your assignment , if you do five minutes of thing , and that 's , no way .
10 There was a silence for a moment in the sitting-room , and then Lavinia said again that he should go to bed .
11 They walked on in silence for a time , and then Hilary said : ‘ I still think your mum 's playing a dirty game , or she 's imagining things .
12 So someone suddenly said , ‘ There 's a really terrific game going on in the square in Granada , ’ and we were just waiting and then Brynner said , ‘ Of course , I 'm the South American callot champion . ’
13 And then Alina said , ‘ Who was the child ? ’
14 There was another long silence , and then Ruth said : ‘ Shall I put the kettle on ?
15 And then Diane said , ‘ So how 's the school ? ’
16 There was a bit of a silence when I 'd finished , and then dad said , with a grin , ‘ Quiggers is right about one thing , old son .
17 They hung over the bridge , dropping stone chippings into the water , and then Charlie said :
18 There was a baffled pause , and then James said , in a worried voice , " Jane dear , you 're not really ill , are you ?
19 There was a short silence as they both drank coffee , and then Miriam said sharply , ‘ Why should it be odd to refer to the infant in the neuter ?
20 And then Lucy said , ‘ Why did you leave me like that ? ’
21 There was a great deal of giggling and whispering as we passed by , and then Reid said , ‘ At last !
22 So Arf rang the doctor and then Natalie said come on mum up to bed , up to bed .
23 And then Mary said she felt as if Hilbert were there with them as they rifled through chests and drawers and cupboards , she could feel his presence standing behind them , looking over her shoulder .
24 And then Tony said to me did you hear Winston bark last night ?
25 So I rang you and then Lyn said yeah I 'll get her to call you and then you rang me back so it was as though Lyn had give you the message to call me
26 There was silence for a moment after the front door too slammed , and then George said carefully , ‘ I would prefer you not to discuss our disagreements with the children .
27 There was another brief silence , and then Bridges said softly , ‘ A baby who never cries , because he never needs to . ’
28 And then Jean said she 's gon na ask your daddy to get a banger , and you 're coming with us as I know this , I am not going with you .
29 There was a longish pause and then Jefferson said , ‘ Murder has to be punished .
30 And then Jess said : ‘ Come in … come in , afore the weather does thee an injury ! ’ smiling at him .
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